🌙Portal by phone🌙

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Once upon a time, there was a kingdom on the moon that was destroyed by an evil sorceress possessed by an evil queen of the Dark Kingdom. The princess and the prince died and was reborn in 20th century Japan as supposedly ordinary individuals without memory of their past lives until the evil sorceress returned to take the Silver Crystal. The princess became a hero due to a talking cat that gave her magic powers to transform into Pretty Guardian known as Sailor Moon. She then gathered her allies and fought through hard trials and defeated the evil sorceress once and for all.
Once upon a time, that same princess became a queen in the 30th century future instilling eternal peace and long extended lives due to the silver crystal. The queen had a daughter named Chibiusa.
Once upon a time, that kingdom had become a part of Twisted Wonderland 300 years in Twisted's past. They learned to live with it and continued with their lives. The new queen's Chibiusa now grown and the new ruler of Crystal Tokyo renamed the Kingdom Crystal Kingdom after the Silver crystal that was also renamed Moon crystal to remember their origins. Queen Chibiusa had a daughter called Serena. Serena was very much like her mother and grandmother. Cheerful, kind, stubborn and very determined fight for what's right.
One day something terrible happened that was lost in Twisted Wonderland's historic documents and the princess had vanished and the whole kingdom wiped out of existence.
Once upon a time close to the present time. The princess returned but no one knew after two years she later vanished again.
In a dark creepy location in Twisted Wonderland known as the Dark Kingdom sat a woman on a throne with long blue hair and blue eyes wearing a black crown on her head. She held a scepter with a swirling dark crystal ball on it.
" Queen Verdite, I need energy......" rasped a creature's voice coming from a huge crystal like rock nearby. Dark ominous energy seeped from it as the creature spoke.
"I'm trying Metalia! I just need more time! None of my generals are ready! They're still being brainwashed by our negative energy!
"I NEED IT NOW!!!! " rasped Metalia as her loud voice boomed from the crystal stone. "THEN WE COULD GET THE SILVER CRYSTAL AND RELEASE ME FROM MY ETERNAL CONFINEMENT!!"
"It will happen Metalia, just be patient." explains Queen Verdite. Her voice straining to calm the trapped creature down. " And it's Moon Crystal now. The now deceased Queen Chibiusa renamed it long ago."
"I don't care what it is called now it's still the Silver Crystal to me Verdite!" screeches Metalia in her raspy voice. " NOW HURRY UP!! I DON'T LIKE WAITING!!"
/she's getting more desperate every day...../
Thought Queen Verdite as she sped up the brainwashing process. These new generals are hard to control.
Jubaan district Japan-

~ beeep....beeep....~
The alarm clock beeped as a girl with long black hair woke up screaming Her phone with the Twisted Wonderland app fell to the floor jumped out of bed She was having the most wonderful dream...... and now she was-
"OH GOD!!!" She panics as she ran around her room putting on her school uniform and doing her hair tying it up into low twin tails. "I'M LATE!!!!"

Ichigo ran out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen where her mother is.
" About time Ichigo, try waking up on time next time!" she scolds her daughter with a sigh.
" I'll try mom," Ichigo says as she grabs a toast with strawberry jam and places it in her mouth and runs out the door to go to school. " bye mom!" she calls back to her mother.
her mother smiles at her knowing this is the usual routine they go through every weekday. Then she looked down at the counter. Ichigo's lunchbox sat there untouched. Anisa grabs the lunch and quickly walks over to the door calling out to Ichigo hoping she could get her attention before she fully leaves the neighborhood.
" Ichigo, your lunch!" Her mother calls out.
Ichigo was already out of sight and ran down the street heading towards Juuban High. She thought of the dream she had as her running pace slowed almost to a stopping point. She was in a room full of mirrors. One mirror in particular stood out from the others . In that mirror was a castle like school that she recognized as Night Raven. She wishes to go in there but every time she tried to go near it she wakes up.
Before she could think more about her reoccurring dream she heard the school's warning bell ringing loudly in the distance.
"Oh no!" She cried out in shock. "I have to get going!"
She ran as fast as she could but she was still late. At the same time a white cat with a golden crescent moon on her forehead watched her as she ran to school.
"She's the one....the guardian the lost Crystal Kingdom needs...." whispers the cat.
Meanwhile at the school, Ichigo was late as expected. Her homeroom teacher Mrs. Akiyama sighs as Ichigo arrived late ducking and sneaking towards her seat hoping she would not notice.
Mrs. Akiyama is a woman with long blue hair tied into a bun and brown eyes with eyeglasses. She usually wasn't the stern type of teacher and she surely has her fair share of fun moments.
" Miss Tsuki, late again I see." Mrs. Akiyama scolds in minor annoyance then she calms and spoke more nicely with a sigh. "Honestly, I wish you would at least try to wake up on time."
Ichigo jumps in shock.
/she saw me!/
She stopped sneaking and arrived at her seat next to her best friend Shirayuki.
"I'll try Mrs. Akiyama!" Ichigo responds as usual.
"Oversleep again?" whispers Shirayuki.
Shirayuki has long shoulder length black hair with warm chocolate brown eyes with a sense of mischief in them. She was the most popular girl in the school and had many friends. She was also the class president of her and Ichigo's class.

" Yeah as always Yuki, I had that same dream again too....." nods Ichigo as she whispers back so Mrs. Akiyama wouldn't hear them.

"The one with the mirrors and one leading to Twisted Wonderland?" asks Shirayuki with a smile. "maybe because you've been playing it too much?"
" Maybe. I just wish that the dream would not end just as I try to go through that mirror. " says Ichigo. " how far have you gotten in the game Yuki?"
" Still on chapter 3. Azul 's overblot is hard to beat currently. You?" she asks.
"Chapter 5. Played it all night to get there....." Ichigo answers, " and still waiting for the rest to come out."
" Lucky. You were on chapter 3 a week ago right?" Shirayuki pouts. "Now you're ahead of me!"
"Ahem, girls, what is so important that you have to discuss it during the lesson?" snaps Mrs. Akiyama near their desks with her arms crossed with a serious look.
Ichigo laughs nervously. "Eh hehehe.... it's not that important sorry."
Mrs. Akiyama nods then went back to her lesson.
Later on Mrs. Akiyama passed back last week's English test. Ad always Shirayuki got a perfect score while Ichigo.....
"Miss Tsuki, this is such a disappointment!" says Mrs. Akiyama as she hands Ichigo her paper. How on earth did you get a 30 on this? I suggest you study and do better if you want to graduate."
After school, Ichigo and Shirayuki walked around town. Ichigo was in a slump her mom will kill her if she sees the grade. Also she was kind of hungry as she had forgotten her lunch and no money to buy any from school either.
" Mom's so gonna kill me...." mutters Ichigo grimly. "How can you be so perfect Yuki!"
" You got good grades too when you actually study for once." she answers.
"Yeah I do but it's soooo hard....!" whines Ichigo as her belly growls. " Oh.... so hungry..... I can't believe I forgot my lunch.....!
"Maybe I can help you study." suggests Shirayuki. " I can stop by sometime this weekend and we can study for next week's test if you want me to."
" Sure......" mutters Ichigo still in her slump over her low grade.
"Hey! Cheer up!" says Shirayuki as she pats Ichigo's back. " Since you missed lunch why don't we go to that new pastry shop that just opened up before heading home. The grand opening is today!"
Ichigo perks up at the mention of food.
"Can we get the strawberry cake?"
" Sure, besides I hear it's all you can eat and its all free today too." says Shirayuki smiling brightly.
"LET'S GO THEN!!!" cries out Ichigo as she pulls Shirayuki's arm and ran towards the new Pastry shop. Neither of them knew a certain cat with a golden crescent moon on her head followed them.
They stopped in front of the pastry shop. The sign on the front saying Moon Pastries and Bakery. It was a fairly big shop with an area set like a cafe with chairs and tables and a bakery besides it. The buffet line had all assortments of sweets, cakes, and breads. Each one smelled delicious. People chattered away cheerfully in their seats as they ate.

"So much food!!"Ichigo chirps with stars in her eyes as she and Shirayuki gathered their food at the buffet line.

Once they had gathered their food they sat at one of the tables and began to eat.
In Twisted Wonderland, specifically Royal Swords Academy was sorting all the letters assigned to be sent by mirror to the new first years. The headmaster of RSA Mr. Elliot, a kingly fellow with purple brown hair and brown eyes. He noticed something was glowing in the handheld mirror.
"Mirror, show me what you see." he says.
The image in the mirror swirled and showed Ichigo walking with her friend Shirayuki who mirrored a certain someone there at RSA.
"Strange...she looks like Mr. Leblanche?" mutters Headmaster Elliot, "A parallel mirror image perhaps? The other girl also looks familiar...could she be the missing student?"
At NRC, The Mirror of Darkness saw her as well. It would be good for the school so it sought her out along with the rest of the freshman.
After a while Ichigo and Shirayuki went on their way home.
"Thanks Yuki, that took my mind off from my grade." thanked Ichigo to her friend.
"No problem at all Ichigo." answers Shirayuki.
Once they parted ways, Ichigo returned home in time for her mother to greet her at the door.
" I'm home mom!" she called out.
" My you're home late Ichigo, so while I was out getting some groceries from the store I ran into one of your friends Miyako she told me you all got back your test today so what was your score?" Her mother asks cheerfully unknowing.
Ichigo took out her paper and handed it over.
Her mother took hold of the paper and began to read the score.
"30 points?!" she cried out in disappointment. "I know you could do better Ichigo, you've got higher scores than this."
" I'll do better." answers Ichigo with relief glad that her mother didn't get angry.
" I hope you do if you want to get into a good college. I don't care if you get a perfect score just do your best I know you can " Alright then Ichigo." says her mother with a small smile on her face. " Anyway I'm baking some homemade cookies want some when it's done?"
Ichigo grins excitedly. "Yeah!"
Apparently even if she had eaten sweets at the pastry shop she still can eat more.
Back at the Dark Kingdom, Queen Verdite smiles as the generals brainwashing process completes. The four generals were once normal people who in their previous lives served Crystal Kingdom as it's protectors and worked alongside the new Sailor Guardians.
"First of the generals Zincite, come forth!" she orders.
Zincite, a male with short blond hair and red eyes in the uniform of the Neo Dark Kingdom, appeared out of the shadows of monster subjects and bowed elegantly in front of his queen.
" I Zincite, first of the four generals, is at your service my Queen, how may I be of help?
"Gather as much human energy as you can Zincite, to revive our Mistress Metalia then once that is finished, I would ask you to find the Moon Crystal. With that our takeover of the world will be unstoppable!"
" Yes my queen, I know just the thing to use." agrees Zincite.
" Good." smiles Verdite evilly. " Now take Grim with you I'm sure you would need his help in gathering energy."
Grim did not appear.
"GRIM!!" shouts Verdite displeased when Grim did not come forward. " GRIM!!!!"
A different monster in a humanoid form looking like a giant mutant pastry appeared before her queen.
" Your majesty, Grim has not been seen in a few months. I sent some of the other Youma ( demons) to search for him but it seems he's beyond our reach. Let me, Kēki saigai, help with this mission. I will not fail you.

"Be sure that you don't." says Verdite . " Dismissed!"
Ichigo sat at her desk in her room with a pencil and a textbook. She had to do her homework but she just couldn't concentrate on it.

" I hate homework....." she groans. " Hm... what to do.....take a break.....? Yeah that's what I'll do. I wonder if mom's homemade cookies are done by now....I can smell it- huh?!
Her phone began to glow green and she began to feel sleepy. She was dreaming again. The room with the mirrors showed up and that one mirror to Twisted Wonderland called to her.

Ah, my lovely Lord,

The noble and beautiful flower of evil,

You are the most beautiful, number one in this world.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most...

For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness........

Ichigo listened to the voice of the Mirror.

"Am I actually going to Twisted Wonderland in my dreams or was this actually happening for real and it's not a dream?" she mutters to herself.

Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.

Flames that turn even stars into ashes,

Ice that imprison even time,

Great tree that swallow even the sky,

Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,

Come now, show your power.

Mine, theirs, and yours,

There's only little time left for us.

Do not let go of that hand, at all costs........

From inside the mirror, a hand reached out to her making the mirror's glass ripple like the ocean waves. Ichigo grabbed onto the hand and it pulled her inside. Then she heard one last thing....

"Little princess, I look forward to your adventure into the villain's world. You out of all the royals understand us the most...."

Then she blacked out
A/N: This is my first Twisted Wonderland story and I hope you all like it. Also the cat will show up again of course and things will get more clearer as the story progresses. This took me days to finish and if there are any parts that seem confusing as I took some things out and added things in so please let me know in the comments.

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