The Duel

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Ace Trappola was worried as his dorm leader Riddle hasn't been seen the whole evening and even the next day.  Their duel was supposed to be scheduled, but due to the dorm leader's absence Headmaster Crowley could not schedule it.

He paced around the headmaster's office nervously looking around at the random stuff in the room trying to take his mind off the situation for a second. Ichigo, Grim, and Deice were with him.

"Where did he go!?" cried out Ace. " It's not like that tyrant can just vanish from the school grounds and not return!"

"Honestly it is quite baffling Mr. Trappola." mutters Crowley as he was writing a formal letter to Mrs. Rosehearts informing her of her son's sudden disappearance. " What will his poor mother think? Oh...! The horror of a student going missing!"

"Maybe the Dark Kingdom took him?" suggests Grim. They all turned to the cat.

Ichigo became alarmed and quickly covers Grim's mouth to stop him from talking further, but it was too late as it piqued an interest in Crowley. Ace stopped pacing all of a sudden.

"Dark Kingdom?" he pipes up.

"MMMPF!" cries out Grim.

"Oh it's nothing Headmaster, Grim's just talking nonsense Ha-ha! "Ichigo stammers nervously as she muffled Grim's words.

Crowley raised an eyebrow. " Oh?"

"Y-yeah!" agrees Ace. " Grim's just talking nonsense!"

"Don't lie I heard him say Dark Kingdom. " says Crowley slowly to the two. Deuce just chose not to get involved and just darted his eyes around nervously. " I haven't heard that name in a very long time. What is it you all are hiding? Tell me hm?"

"Well about that.....First off, why should I tell you when you're hiding something important from me yourself?" snaps Ichigo to the headmaster making him flinch a little. "I heard from a certain someone that you are keeping some secret about who I am?"

Crowley looks at the four of them with a defeated look. He wasn't going to give them everything just only the basics and not his plan. "Fine....I'll tell you everything but then you need to tell me how you know about the Dark Kingdom."

"Deal." agrees Ichigo.

"Okay." says Crowley as he clears his throat and began to explain. "Basically miss Tsuki, you're a student of Royal Swords Academy but the Dark Mirror called you here as you ah- became worthy of our school as well.

"And you didn't tell me this why?!" asks Ichigo in shock. " We could have settled this matter with Royal swords as I was already enrolled there!

"I didn't know what to say as-" started Crowley.

"As what?" says Ichigo. "To complicated to tell me the truth? Honestly headmaster...."

"I'm sorry miss Tsuki, I know I should have told you sooner, but you seem so happy here that I didn't want to spoil your fun." explains Crowley giving her the half truth. " I mean... it's not every day some one like you from our world originally shows up....other world people show up like Yuu and others....non magic humans you know?"

"Are you sure that's everything?" asks Ichigo skeptically knowing that Crowley is known to hide secrets from the main protagonist.

"Yes that's everything." nods Crowley. " Now about Mr. Rosehearts'

"What about me?" says a familiar voice as he walks inside the office.

"Rosehearts, what a surprise!" exclaims Crowley." We thought you were  missing."

" Well, yes but I'm back now aren't I" So call off the search for me please." says Riddle.

"Alright, well now that you're here Mr. Trappola and Mr. Spade wish to issue out a duel." explains Crowley. " They say that you have been a tyrant too long and that things need to change."

"A duel eh?" says Riddle." Fine. I would agree to that. Not that they would win anyway."

"We will win!" cries out Ace.

Riddle sneers at Ace. "We'll see about that. What time will the duel be?"

"Tomorrow afternoon will be good?" asks Crowley.

"Sounds fine to me." agrees Riddle then  walks out of the office.

Now that that is settled." says Crowley getting back to business. "How do you know about the Dark Kingdom?"

"Well....I have a cat called Diana and she's from the lost Crystal Kingdom and um.... can transform into a magical girl like in an anime and...." explains Ichigo to Crowley. "Zincite from Heartslabyul is a dark Kingdom general trying to steal human energy and is giving us a hard time."

"Zincite?!" cries out Crowley in surprise. " I saw his name on the enrollment list as a freshman but I never saw him show up....that means he was never sorted into any dorm....How did he even end up in Heartslabyul?!"

"Uh... The Dark Kingdom must have sent him?" answers Deuce.

" Right ! Right!" Now to find  a way to stop him....." says  Crowley then begins to mutter quietly  to himself. " This isn't in my plan at all. It hinders it.... if Zincite kills her...."

What are you mumbling about Headmaster?" asks Ichigo curiously.

"Oh nothing important." says Crowley lying.

After they left the Headmaster's office, Ichigo began to squeal in excitement.

"OMG Yuu actually exists!!!" she gushes. " He exists!!"

"You know of him?" asks Ace. " I vaguely remember the guy, but I can't remember his face....or how he acted....or barely anything at all really."

"Really?" Yeah I know of him. I played as them in the game as they were supposed to be either gender.  asks Ichigo. "I think of him as a boy since it is an all boy's school after all.

" the player could imagine themselves in Yuu's place as whether male or female?" asks Ace interested. " or whatever gender they belive the protagonist to be.

"Yeah." nods Ichigo.

"Hm...I don't know." says Deuce. " I tried to think of Yuu or any of the others and my head starts to hurt."
"Strange..." mutters Ichigo. " Aside from that, the Dark Kingdom must have done something to Riddle!" cried out Ichigo as she headed to her dorm after leaving the headmaster's office. 

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