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The next morning, Trey noticed that his dorm leader's behavior has gone for the worst. Riddle had collared several dorm members for being a bit late for morning roll call. By afternoon, he chewed out another for not having a pink outfit for the flamingo feeding duty both him and Cater watched the poor student get chewed out by the dorm leader.

"Rule #249 of the Queen of Hearts: "You should be wearing pink clothes when feeding the flamingos." yells out Riddle angrily. "You were supposed to be in charge of feeding them today. Why are you not wearing any pink clothes?"

"I'm so sorry, my clothes were in the laundry..." begs the Heartslabyul student. " Prefect! Please, I'm begging you... Don't put a collar on me!"

"This is your second time breaking the rules." snaps Riddle. " I can't overlook any more than that. Off with your head!"

The collar latched onto the student.

"AH!!" cried the student.

"Write me a 5000 word reflection essay, and do weeding in the garden for a week." demands Riddle. "After that, I'll remove the collar."

"N-no way..." mutters the student in disbelief and fear.

"I'm not doing this because I enjoy it." says Riddle. It's your fault for breaking the rules! Nothing will become of you if you don't learn to follow the rules, you understand? Trey, Cater, please take him outside."

"yes Dorm leader." replies both Trey and Cater in unison.

Later on Trey arrived at the library to return the book he used for his cooking and met up with Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Ichigo there.

"Oh Clover senpai!" called over Deuce noticing him.

"Oh, it's you guys..." mutters Trey sadly.

"We figured that we'd meet you here in the library because we assumed you'll be returning the recipe book you borrowed." says Deuce.

"We still can't be convinced with the way the dorm leader does things." says Ace with a sigh. " Ichigo says that she had a talk with him while trapped and he told her he was gonna change for the better yet  that didn't happen."

Ichigo nods. " yeah he did. " I wonder what made him change his mind." she says. " It's so confusing!"

" Dorm leader is his own brand of crazy after all." mutters Ace. " Maybe he said that because he thought he was gonna stay buried alive and suffocate until he dies?"

"If we'd never knew both of them would be dead by now...." says Trey shuddering at the thought of the incident. " Did he really say that Miss Tsuki?"

"Yeah he seemed really genuine about it too." she says sighing. "I actually believed him back there."

"Okay now for another subject that's been bugging me." says Ace. "What do you really think about him? Have you always been enabling him like this since you were kids?"

"Hey, you're older than Riddle, aren'tcha?" asks Grim with confusion. "Why don't you get mad at him?"

"I'll do that if there's a need to, but... There's nothing I can do against him." says Trey.

"Honestly Trey, you really need to grow a backbone." cried out Ichigo. "I know he's your friend and all but true friends know when to draw the line when the other is acting out of hand."

"But how...can I...?" asks Trey. " His mother is-"

"I know how his mom is." says Ichigo. " I played the game and saw his past. At this rate if we don't stop him now he's going to overblot and get worse he may even die!"

"I don't know what this overblot is but from Ichigo's tone it must be very very bad." says Ace. " I don't like him, but I don't want him to die.

"I'll see what I can do." says Trey.

"What are his parents like? asks Deuce.

"His parents are very famous magicians that there's no one in town who didn't know their names." explains Trey. "His mother is especially well-known that she wished for Riddle to be the same. That's why everything from what time he wakes up to what time he goes to sleep, and even what academic programs he'll do is decided for him."

"God...that's harsh!" cries out  Deuce.


Riddle felt bad after collaring the student. Zincite told him that he did nothing wrong for keeping up order like the Queen of Hearts would. His own mother as well of course Zincite didn't know about her."

"I've been doing this for a long time now....yet why do I feel pain in my chest when I do this....why now?"

"Ignore it." says Zincite. " You're doing the right thing."

"I've been thinking...Last time you didn't like me doing this and went crazy at the first party then now you say it's okay?"

"I just want whats best for you." replies Zincite with small fake smile. "As you are my dorm leader, and I decided to give in and accept it for what it is."

"But Ichigo-" starts Riddle but Zincite cuts him off.

"You still doubt me even after I showed you the truth?"  says Zincite. " That girl will be the end of you and so will your two traitorous former minions. They have a mind of their own you know. Hero and villain don't mix you saw it with your own two  eyes."

" I know... but I can't keep doing this I want to enjoy myself with them like I always wanted and Ichigo knew that-" argues Riddle.

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