Dwarf mine and Transformation Pt 2.

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Anisa had met Diana before. When the last surviving Royal Guard of Crystal Kingdom Kessho. A fox woman  with long orange twin tails and yellow eyes, came to her with a white cat with red eyes and a bell collar one day in the Land of Hot sands..  She and Dahmar were working at the time. The fox girl had a small child no more than 2 with her unconscious.  That's how they found Ichigo.

The cat looks at them recognizing who they were.

" Miss Viper, I'm sorry to bother you but Sailor Moon has awoken. Where's Ichigo? I saw her a day ago?"
Anisa looks at Diana with a worried look. " She returned to Twisted Wonderland by her phone. Night Raven College's carriage brought her there. Is the Neo Dark Kingdom back again?"

Diana nodded. "I'm afraid it has." Ichigo's destiny has finally come and it seems I wasn't able to guide her like my mother Luna did to Usagi. "
Diana became crestfallen. She had one job and she failed. Ichigo was in Jubaan the day before and now she was too late. If the power got to Ichigo on its own  then that means Ichigo had the power all along. She should be happy but if Ichigo doesn't know how to use her magic items then what? No guide to help her along the way.

" Diana, how about you come with us to Twisted Wonderland?"  suggests Dahmar. We're in the process of conjuring a portal. I'm sure Ichigo will need you there to guide her.

The cat looked up at Dahmar, her eyes sparkling now. " YES!"
The portal was conjured and they jumped in taking them to Twisted Wonderland. Unfortunately Anisa and Dahmar transported to their old home in the Asim household while Diana fell near the Dwarf Mines.

"Mrs. Viper?" she called out. " Mr. Viper!? Where are you!?"

Then she heard voices coming from the Dwarf mine entrance. Diana raced there to see Ace, Deuce, Floyd, and a familiar face. Grim.

"GRIM?!!!" Diana cried out. She better stop Grim before he kills Ichigo. " I WON'T LET YOU KILL ICHIGO!!!"

 Grim shrieks in surprise at hearing another voice. "FNGAAA!!!!??"

Ace looks at the white cat in surprise. "You- You can talk?!"

" Yeah I can talk!" she says in confusion. " What kind of Dark Kingdom general are you?"
Ace looks even more confused. " me? General of Beryl's Dark Kingdom? Me?" 

Ace began to laugh. It was way too funny to be mistaken for something he's totally not.

Inside the Mine, Ichigo was in shock. This power..... this dress... but one problem. What attacks does she have?  The blot monster has finally recovered from its shock and went back to attacking her. Ace, Floyd, Deuce, and Grim shouting from behind her to get out of the mine.

"St....one, won't....give...!" the blot monster rasps as it attacks her with more force. Ichigo cries out and runs out of the mine with it trailing behind her following her desperate to stop her from taking what was his and his alone. " Leave! Leave!! Leeeeeaave!!!"

" WHAT DO I DO?!   WHAT DO I DOOOOO?!" Ichigo screams as she ran out and bumping into the laughing Ace making him cry out.

"ACK-??!" sputters Ace as he fell onto the ground on his butt. " That smarts!"

Diana gasps at the faceless blot monster.  " What is that thing?!"

She looks toward Ace who she still thought was an enemy. She thought all of them were as Grim was with them. Who wouldn't blame her as she had no clue as to what the Dark Kingdom generals looked like. Memory loss was a bitch. At least she remembered Grim. Who doesn't seem to remember her. Diana in the end had to put that aside and help Ichigo. Ichigo's dress was different that Usagi's or Chibiusa's Not the standard sailor fuku style.  It sure was unique. 

"Sailor Moon, use your Tiara!" Diana calls to Ichigo. "SAY MOON TIARA BOOMERANG!!"
Ichigo stops running and touches her  tiara on her forehead. The tiara came off her head and began to glow and turn into a circle boomerang.

She hurled it at the blot monster who recoiled from the light and the surprise attack. The tiara hit the blot monster and it screeches in pain then it changes into a spirit of a dwarf looking peaceful happy to be released from it's captivity inside the blot. The tiara returns to Ichigo and back onto her forehead.  She de transformed to her regular clothes. Floyd stares at her in awe. It was the most amazing thing he had ever seen in his life. He knew Ichigo was unique. She wasn't even the least bit afraid of him earlier today. Azul would surely be interested with her powers. He had to protect her from Azul at all costs. Even if- why was he thinking this way? What was this strange feeling in his heart?  He was snapped out his thoughts as he heard  Ichigo talk to him.

"You okay Floyd?" she asks him worriedly. " You seem out of it."

He didn't want to tell her not yet so he changed his mood.

" Eh....I'm bored now." he says moodily and his eyes narrowing in a bored manner.  "I wanna go back to the school this is boring and no magic crystal in sight."

" How could you be bored already?!" cries Grim in shock. " We just watched Ichigo transform and exterminate this thing with a tiara!"

" LET'S JUST GO BACK!!" shouts Floyd in a bad mood." it's taking to long and I don't wanna look anymore...."
Diana saw something sparkle in the tunnel form outside the entrance. "What's that light?" She asks curiously.
Ace looks in to see what the light was. " At the end of the tunnel, something..."

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