The Great 7 and one extra

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"Hey, hey, Ace, calls out Grim fully curious on the Great 7. "Then, is that lion with the scar on his eye also a famous guy?"

"Of course!" exclaims Ace, "He's the King of Beasts who ruled over the Savanna. However, he's not a born-king. He's a hard worker who took over the throne with a scrupulous plan he made by himself.

Ichigo thought that Leona and the King of Beasts Scar were way too similar. Leona never learned his lesson from his overblot in chapter 2. Which is one reason she disliked him.

Ace continues his explanation. "After he became King, he proposed to live together with the hyenas, who were hated by everyone, too, without discriminating them."

" Ooh, people who don't get swayed by social status? Rocks!
Who's the auntie with the octopus legs before him?

"She's the Witch of the Sea who lives in a cave in the depths of the sea." answers Ichigo startling Ace before he began to speak again.

"wai- ok go ahead." He says nodding at her to continue. He wanted to hear what she knew about them.

Ichigo continues with the explanation.

"Her raison d'etre was to help unhappy mermaids." Ichigo explains to Grim.

Ace  nodding his head agreeing with Ichigo's words. It was as if she took them from his own mouth. Those were the exact words that he came up with but never got to say.

/Was she some sort of seer or something?/ he thought in amazement.

"If you pay the price, she'd help you find solution to any of your worries, starting from desires to change oneself to love troubles!"

Ace nods. Hey....are you a seer or something? I was going to say it the exact same way? wait...can seers be idols too?

Ichigo just laughs. " No. I'm not a seer and I don't know can they?"

Ace hopes were crushed. Not a seer. Then how did she even know his words? Sure anyone who learned the basics about the Great 7 knew this but they describe them in different ways.

" Then how-"

"Twisted Wonderland game prologue 9. I memorized the words." explains Ichigo.

Ace looks confused game? "Us? I'm a game character?!"

"Let's just continue Ace shall we?  Ichigo states. "I'll explain later if you think me crazy. I'll show you proof with my phone."

Ace sighed and agrees. He picks up on the explanation on the Sea Witch.

"It seems that there aren't any wish she can't grant." he says. "Well, I heard the cost was a bit expensive, though.If it's to grant any wish, then it's natural, don't you think?"

" Nyahaー!" cries out Grim,"In other words, if I become a great magician, I'd get rich!?
Then, then, what about this uncle in the big hat?"

"Oh! He's the Great Sorcerer of the Desert Kingdom." explains Ichigo enthusiastically. My dad told me that he's the cabinet minister who works under the kingdom's useless king, and he's a clever person who managed to see through a swindler who tried deceive the princess by faking his status as a prince! "

" Wow your dad knows about the sorcerer of the sands  quite well even from a different world huh." interjects Ace with awe.

Ichigo nods and continues. "And after that, he managed to get the magic lamp and rose to become the world's number one Great Sorcerer! Furthermore, it's said that he also took the king's throne by using that power! of course he failed in the end unfortunately. The Swindler got to him before he could fully rule."

Ace's eyes began to shine. " Wait- How does your dad know all that?! Were you living in the Land of Hot sands at some point or something? Ace was in shock and awe at the same time. "Not even I know that much! I only know the basics and you seem to know more about the Great 7 for someone from a different world and doesn't remember ever living in Twisted Wonderland!"

" I must have been here at some point Ace," says Ichigo. " I left because of some important reason but I have no idea what. I managed to contact my mom from the other world and she says that someone was after me so that's why we left.

Ace looked at her with wide eyes interested in what she had to say.

" Hm... so that's why you left the Idol industry then? All trace of you had been erased by the media and by who knows who else.

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