Heart to Heart

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Ichigo and Riddle both trapped underground tried to look for a way out.  Riddle tried to dig his way out but to no avail.

"How can we possibly ever get out now?" grumbles Riddle in despair as he sat back down on the dirt. "This is no ordinary hole. Zincite must have gotten free."

"So you think Zincite did this?" asks Ichigo not seeing Zincite during the incident. " You think magic will work?"

"Maybe." says Riddle. "let's find out."

They used their magic pens to blast their way out but each time they create an opening new dirt magically forms and blocks the opening.

"What kind of magic is this?!" snarls Riddle angrily. " It makes no sense!"

"Logic isn't what Heartslabyul is about." mutters Ichigo. "You all thrive on nonsense."

"True enough." agrees Riddle. " And Zincite is still one of mine no matter how evil he is."

They stayed silent for a while. Then Riddle spoke up again.

"How do you know about my mother?" asks Riddle.

"I have my ways" repeated Ichigo. "I hope someone finds us....."

"Just give me a straight answer this time or it's off with your head!" cried Riddle.

"You sure you want to know?" asks Ichigo. " Ace and Deuce know about how I know things but you think you'll react the same?"

"How'd they react?" asks Riddle impatiently. " Just get on with it before we suffocate!"

Ichigo explained the whole game so far  in a brief amount of time. Overblots as well.

"So- You say that we all are fictional characters?"

"Thought you all were before I got here."

"And I overblot and go crazy?"

"yeah pretty much."

"They'll be more soon to come? All the main dorm leaders aside from Jamil?"

"As far as I know yes."

"I-you're also saying that my mother has been in full control over my life?"

Ichigo nods. " She may be in the wrong but maybe that's the only thing she knows."  she says. "She may be trying to give you what she thinks will benefit you as well as her not fully understanding that she's hurting you in the process."

Riddle silently listens to her. Ichigo wasn't bashing his mother that he has always thought to be right but she also understands that he has a hole in his heart from trying to please his mother.


"Rules are everything to me!" cried out Riddle losing his temper pointing his magic pen at her his face red. It's all I ever lived by. I can't just disregard it. Mother-"

"Would you rather live like a puppet or would you rather be independent and be the puppet master of your own life and do what you always wished to do with others? Mistakes and all? snaps Ichigo.

Riddle lowers his pen.

If you hadn't met Chen'ya and Trey you'll be alone and not be able to experience another side to life. There's more to life than what your mother has taught you. Games, new food, friends, failing to winning, good times and bad times. These things can help you grow and the more you experience  the more things you can handle.

"So you're saying that anything I experience will help me grow as a  person and that failing is ok?"

"Yes." she says. Beginning to lose oxygen. Riddle was as well. He tried to gasp for breath. "Failing is what help someone do better and it makes winning all the more earned. Besides no one is perfect."

"What was your life like?" asks Riddle. "Mine was stuffy."

"My life is interesting." explains Ichigo thinking  fondly of her memories in Jubaan. "  When I was little I traveled all over. I can't remember much of where I went but so far Twisted Wonderland was the last place I stayed before living in Jubaan. I finally a permanent home. I went to school and made so many friends one of them is Shirayuki whom I am still friends with. Got into so much trouble back in junior high nothing major or anything just simple kid stuff and waking up late for class and I still do that.

"What kind of trouble?" asked Riddle curiously.

"Oh just pulling pranks on the teachers, reading comics in class, eating lunch in the hall after arriving late for class one day and skipped breakfast. It wasn't even lunchtime either."

Riddle just stares at her in amusement.

"You did all that?" he asks.

"Yeah and there were times at home when I brought random animals home, tripping over my feet, and accidentally locking myself out of my house when my parents aren't home." continues Ichigo. " Of course there were other times where I helped my mom cook snacks and even meals. Those were fun times. he even taught me how to form a circle cookie shape  with a water glass when we couldn't find the cookie cutter."

"Sounds like you had a better life than me." says Riddle in awe. I wish my mother was like yours.

"Yeah you should meet her one day." says Ichigo. "She's the type who will always have your back even when things don't go your way. Who will always support me no matter what."

"All the more reason to find a way out of here." mutters Riddle. " Let's try again?"

"Yeah why not?"

They try to get out again both my digging and using magic but the dirt will only grow back again and again. Riddle lost all hope.He  falls to the ground running out of oxygen.

" We're going to die under this covered hole aren't we?" He whimpers weakly as his eyes welled up  with tears.  "The dirt grows back like magic."
Outside the hole way back in the garden area where the party was being held, Cater and Trey became worried that Riddle has still not returned.

"Where's dorm leader?" asks Cater worriedly. "Shouldn't he be back by now?"

"Yeah." agrees Trey. "I'm getting worried. He's been gone far too long and the party is already over."

They went to search for him. Chen'ya on the other hand, had sneaked back into Night Raven disregarding his own headmaster's orders not to. He discovers the man made hole the top covered with heavy dirt. When was that there? He never seen a hole in the maze before. He also heard that Riddle was missing.  He saw Riddle's crown beside the dirt as if it must have fallen off his head when he fell.

"He must be inside the hole!" cried out Chen'ya in alarm. At the same time Ace and Deuce walked around the area complaining about how rude Riddle is. Chen'ya asked for help.

Inside the hole, Riddle cried thinking there was no way out.

"I'm sorry for treating everyone this way...I always wanted to have fun with everyone and talk and laugh along with them....Now my pen has this ink blot over it almost covering it and-"

"I'm sure they'll accept your apology Riddle, changing yourself takes time and-"

She stopped short once they both hear a noise. Someone was trying to dig them out.

Crowley pursed his lips and thought it over. It would be the end for his plan if he just returned the girl to her rightful school. Unlike the others that came before her she was from Twisted Wonderland and was there before who knows what happend to her. Also this Apex girl was a huge pain in the ass. Randomly waltzed into the school from the sky and claimed to know Ichigo for some odd reason. That girl was a psychopath as well which is even more problematic. Anything can trigger the girl and piss her off. Just like a land mine. " Whatever do you mean Ambrose, you must be surely mistaken." lies Crowley. I only have a girl from this strange Apex place going to my school and she is hard to deal with."

Ambrose knew Crowley was lying. He was able to fool any other person but not him. He knew the crow's nature all too well. They even worked together at some point but that was only in certain extreme emergency cases and not because they were friends or allies. They quite loathed each other actually.

" Dire, tell me the truth." Ambrose demands. " You have her at your school and don't want to give her up. She has something that you need and you will do anything in your power to keep her there."

" Lies." cried out Crowley. " All lies! I don't have her here!"

" Dire- Don't do this this isn't right." Ambrose pleads.

"ENOUGH!" Crowley shouts losing his temper. " I'll do as I please! I'll have the Moon Crystal and no one is going to stop me from changing this world to be fully a villains world! That girl is mine to use!"

"I'll get her back to Royal Swords...." states Ambrose.

"You won't stop me Ambrose, I will do whatever I please." Crowley hangs up.

Ambrose sighs. " That foolish crow....."

Outside Crowley's office, a certain eel who before was minding his own business overheard the conversation.

" Ichigo....." Floyd cried out in a whisper." I have to let her know!"

Crowley opens the door of his office and saw Floyd.

" How much did you hear?!" he demands angrily.

"I was just passing by headmaster, " Mutters Floyd getting a bit grouchy. " No need to be so pissed. I didn't hear anything!"


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