Chapter VII

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The phone rings. Niall answers it from his usual spot on the kitchen top. 'It's Simon!' He mouths and puts it on speaker.

"There's some things we need to discuss. You are ALL on the next train to London." Then he hangs up.

So many possible possibilities run like a film through my head.

He said 'you ALL' so the means I'm coming.

I couldn't tell if he was angry because he was speaking in monotone.

Did that chick from the allyway rat some shit to the media?


Simon texts us the details of the train, what platform, what time...

In six minutes we are on platform 12 and waiting to board. I guess Simon either ran out of time or is angry at us because we are seated know a public carriage. But it's fine, as long as I get a window seat.

One thing I forgot to do on the other train ride was admire the landscapes, which is my favourite thing to do whilst traveling.

The train ride only takes like, three or four hours. And a team of guards are waiting at Kings Cross. For some reason I don't think they approve of me.

"Woah!" I exclaim, "Platform 9 and 3/4! I love Harry Potter!" I run over to the fake trolley half wedged into the brick and start pretending. Lou comes up behind and places his hands on my hips.

How do you disapprove of a little fun like that?


The guards escort us right up to Simon's door.

"Lads and lass," he gives me a nod. "You have been invited to do a couple of last minute concerts in these last months before Christmas, in America."

All the boys look ecstatic. That is it? I'm not in trouble? That is good news to me!

"But we do have a few interviews lined up for the next week before you depart to the states."

"That's fantastic!" Says Zayn, "but what's the catch?"

"There is none," Simon plainly says fiddling with his pencil. Then he looks directly at me and my tummy does several back-flips. "You can even take Maddie if you would like."

A shriek comes from Lou, who is behind me. I look round at all the lads who are nodding happily.

"Great that's settled, now you have a interview in ten minutes. Good luck."


I'm not suppose to do any interviews so I head back to the hotel we are staying in.

I watch television for a while but I get board quickly. I feel a piece of paper in my black skinny jeans and pull it out, the numbers 09 406 1660 are scrawled across it and Penelope Hill underneath.

Penelope Hill is my best friend and has been since we were 10. I flip out my phone and punch in the digits.

Someone picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" A breezy voice calls down through line.


"Matt!" Yep even Penelope calls me that.

"Hello pickles!" That was my pet name for her.

"Hi! I see you look amazing!"

"So you've herd?"

"Yes! The whole towns buzzing and we're all really proud, no matter what the press is saying!"

Penelope still lives in the small town we grew up in, she went to Uni-tec and got her masters in Music then went back to the high-school to teach.

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