Chapter II

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A tickling on my back and a crunching in my ear wake me the next morning. There is a happy feeling surging through my bones and I'm curious about it and for the first time since I moved to this big city I am not feeling homesick.

"G' mornin' lovey," A soft voice coos in my ear, ahh that's why I'm so happy. If this was a Sims game there would be a little hart sign on the mood meter saying; Attractive company and a smiley face saying fulfilled. But I have decided that, at the moment, life is way better that a computer game.

"Good morning indeed!" I say, flinging my arms up in the air like a sleepy cat stretching then rolling over. Louis plants a kiss on my nose, leaving some chewed carrot from his lips there.

"Yum!" I exclaim, looking at the carrot with a sudden craving. Lou holds the sweet orange stick out for me and I nibble off the end.

Lou smiles his sweet, kind smile and instantly I feel warmed like I' sitting by a crackling fire on a late winters night. It's funny how one simple gesture can make people feel such extraordinary emotions. But a rude camera flash brings me back to earth.

 "Aww!" Harry says just as Louis's phone buzzes on the bedside table.

"Watch it curly!" Lou growls with a mocking expression on his face much like an evil scientist's when they have created life.

I peer over his shoulder and gawk at the tweet Harry had posted.

Boobear and Madeline sharing a carrot! #Cheesey! Or should I say carrotey lol!

"TAKE IT DOWN!" Lou screams, yanking off the bed sheets and advancing on the curly specimen. "TAKE IT DOWN NOW!"

"What if I don't?" Harry challenges.

"I will....." Lou whispers something in Harry's ear that I can't hear so I just sit on the bed and finish the abandoned carrot.

Harry then looks over at me and I flash him a cheeky grin, he grins back and much to my surprise Louis doesn't take it lightly. He jumps to his feet and lunges at Harry, tackling him to the ground. I let out a shriek as they wrestle all over the floor.

"Lou!" I cry. "Don't hurt him! I know you're so, very strong and manly!"

This makes him stop, stand up, cross the room and kiss me. For a long time we stay lip locked right up until Harry starts making gaging noises, Louis smiles into the kiss and gently releases.

"Don't worry my fair maiden! I wont be to hard on the little scumbag!"

Reverse physiology. Works every time! I hiccup and go bright red, Harry snickers from the corner and Louis looks almost proud? But he leans in and kisses me again. Just at that moment the phone rings and for deep within the apartment all four lads shout; "PHONE!" followed by; "BAGS NOT!"

Louis frowns and pulls away muttering "not fair!" under his breath, then he hurries off to answer it, whispering bad names as he goes. I lay back on the bed again and close my eyes.

"Bonjour!" Harry says quite happily, crossing the room and plonking down on the bed right next to my head.

"Salute, comment ça va?" I reply, my voice not coming close to matching Harry's high cherry ring.

"Je suis bien!" Harry exclaims, "Et toi?"

"Umm.., Bien!" I don't know why I had to pause and think about my answer because even though I am deadly tired I feel ecstatic!

 Harry has a funny look on his face so I quickly add, "Merci."

"S'il vous plaît!, je suis Hazzar!" He wiggles his eyebrows and makes me laugh.

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