Capter V

65 4 2

Nobody wanted to stay in Switzerland any longer after reading the comments and death threats.

And when we get back to that flash hotel and Harry checks his social media accounts there are some pretty angry messages from riled fans. But after scrolling through what feels like millions of pages of hateful words there, right there is a message that warms my heart.

It is from a girl named Jasmine and she says;

What's with the hate? Louis is a free man, and we are people of America. Let him love who he wants, if he loved you would there be a difference? Think about it Madeline must be someone very special and I wish them all the best.

It's not often people like that speak up but when they do the world always seems to look a little brighter.


Liam sits under the gloomy street lamp resting his head against the cool metal pole. The bass from the tiny corner pub vibrates on the old, cracked concrete and thin mist fills the, still, night air; every time I exhale. Sheets of paper are scattered around his perimeter and a ballpoint pen is on the verge of slipping out from his fingers.

 "Hi," I say, taking a seat beside him. He gives a grunt and opens his big brown eyes. "How come you're out here?"

 I shrug.

"To loud," that's a partial lie. I'm just not too keen on all those sweaty body's and drunken people in one room. It's a recipe for disaster. "What about you?"

"Oh... I... Don't drink..." He trails off mid sentence. "Are you ok?"

 "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I'm slightly taken aback by this question.

"Well because of what went down today?" he looks almost worried for me, but I brush it off. I hate it when people fuss.

"Oh yeah," and a vivid image of vulgar words swim before my glassy eyes. "It's ok, I got bullied a bit as a kid so I know how to deal with it, just let it go over your head and focus on the people who know the real you and appreciate you for it."

 Liam looks sort of apologetic. "Amen to that! I was bullied a little too, but it stopped before it got to big."

 I send him a small smile and we chat for a little longer before Zayn, Harry, Niall and Louis come staggering around the corner, linked arm and arm.

I jump up and loop my arms round Lou's neck. "Lets get outta here aye?" I whisper, he leans down for a kiss. It's sloppy because were both a little tipsy, him more then me. His tongue finds mine and I let him lead. 

"VAS' HAPPENIN'!!! VAS' HAPPENIN'!!!!" Zayn screams, causing Louis and I to spring apart.

 "It's the energy juice!" Harry shrieks waving a bottle of vodka around, causing it to slosh over the glass rim and drench Niall. Niall snatches the bottle from Harry and takes a swig.

My eyes almost bulge out of my head when he starts to shake violently, am I seeing things or just going nuts? Lou pulls me into a hug and tells me, "It's all ok m'm bubay...."

Niall guzzles a whole third of the liquor and imitates a bucking donkey, to the exact movement. Then passes the long, slim vodka bottle to me, I take a sip then hand it on Lou.

Harry smiles his cheeky, dazzling, smile then opens his mouth very widely ad starts to sing, then Zayn joins in and suddenly its like  a Vegas choir. All out of tune.

I'm singing on a totally wrong pitch and Niall doesn't even seem to be singing the right lyrics! But it's all good fun. We'll probably regret it in the morning, especially once we see the video Liam is filming. But who cares?

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