Chapter XIII

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I am enjoying my strawberry when I hear a rustling from behind me, I see a tourch light bounce off the wall and turn to see who it is when a hand is clamped over my mouth.


Zayn! I pull his hand away from my mouth.



"What are you doing down here?" I whisper.

"Santa came!" he whispers back.

I look over at the glowing tree and sure enough there is a mountain of presents underneath it.

"Christmas isn't until tomorrow, tomorrow!" I say checking my watch. Yep 2 o'clock Christmas Eve, 23 hours till Christmas.

"I know just it's Lou's birthday and we'll be up all night tonight so I thought I could get some sneak peaks in now, while it's quiet!"

I smile, I would of expected this from Niall, Haz or Lou, but Zayn?

I chuckle. "Can you please lift me up? (he looks at me quizzically) So I can put my presents under the tree, I stowed them up there!"

I point to the highest cupboard in the house, the one above the fridge.

I retrieve eight parcels and stow them safely behind the tree.

"Eight!" Zayn whispers, his eyes lighting up like the star on top of the tree.

I nod and count then off on my fingers,

"Haz, Niall, Li, You, Raven, Laura and Two for Lou!"

"How come Lou gets two?"

"How come I get two what?" Lou says, jogging down the stairs three at a time. "Good morning young folk!"

"Shh!" Zayn hushes Lou.

I skip over to him and plant a big kiss on his lips.

"G'morning my big birthday boy!"

Lou blushes and kisses me back.

When I look up again Zayn has disappeared, back to bed I suppose.

"Come back to bed with me," I whisper into Lou's neck.

"No, I wanna go outside!"

"But it's a blizzard out there!"

It really is, the glass is rattling in the window frames, snow is gathering thick and fast on the doorstep and the wind has officially drowned out Niall's midnight ramblings.

Lou sighs, and then smiles his devilish smile, the one I love oh so much.

"I guess we will have to go up to bed then, I wish someone would carry me up for my legs are knackered from age!"

He winks and I giggle,

"You'll crush me! I'm tiny!"

"Oh, well it is national piggyback day ...-"

"You wouldn't!" I gasp.

"Oh but I would!"

I let out a scream when he starts to advance on me.

"Lou you're going to wake the others!" I shout in a hushed whisper.

Too late!

"Aiii!" a curly mess literally tumbles down the stairs, then lands in a crumpled heap at Lou's feet.


And Niall came tumbling after!

Lou helps up Harry, who helps up Niall just in time before Zayn and Liam come rushing down side by side, bundled up in together in the same leopard print minx blanket.

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