Chapter XII

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Another shout comes but its not a girl, it's Liam...


I give one last frightful look at the girl who spoke and sprint off to find Liam and Zayn.

Lou reaches the over turned toboggan before me and tries to uplift it but no amount of his grunting and pushing can get it to move an inch.

"Here," I puff, taking one side and indicating Lou to do the same with the other. "We're going to lift on the count of three. One, two, THREE!"

We heave it up and shuffle to the right, well my right his left.

"Euurg," we drop the toboggan and Zayn staggers to his feet, unscathed. Liam on the other hand is laying on his side cradling his arm that is sticking out at a very peculiar angle.

"Are you ok?" I ask Zayn while Lou attempts to put Liam in a sitting position. Zayn gives a curt nod, "but I can't say the same for Li."

"Oh my gosh is he ok?" a voice from behind me asks.

I turn to see a girl with pink framed Harry Potter glasses, short curly ash blonde hair and small blue eyes.

"Laura Gorrie?" I asks, 84% sure I'm right.

"Maddie Smith? Oh my God it is you!" Her pale lips curve into a smile and her blue eyes light up. "I haven't seen you in like ages! Have you still got that 'no touch' rule?"

I laugh remembering that famous rule, "Rules were ment to be broken!"

I run over and give her a hug, "you haven't got your cell' on you at all?" I ask.

She flips it out and diles the emergency number.

I return my attention to Liam whom Lou's efforts to help have somehow worsened his pain.

"It's ok Li, we're getting the ambulance now," I sooth.

"Ok, just so he doesn't get a head cold we need to have it elevated. Preferably with his chin pointing skyward," Laura calmly states. I guess she successfully pursued her dream of becoming a doctor. "Warm up his hands and keep talking to his in a calm monotone."

She snatches up the phone off Lou who was having a good chat with whoever is on the other side about the new weather reporter on channel 9 and continues talking in rapid medical terms.

"Uhh, if only we hadn't suggested toboggans!" I smack my forehead with my palm.

"Yeah mate sorry," Zayn (whose hands have become Liam's personal pillow) says sheepishly.

Liam moans and screws up his face in pain. I take his uninjured hand and try warming it up, I get it to a substantial heat when the ambulance arrives.

The dude in the back jumps out and two other professionals drag a stretcher over to Liam. I watch while they hoist him on and strap him down.

"Sorry guys, only one person can come." He holds up his hand to halt us when we all try board after Liam has been carryed on.

"Err," I look at Lou and Zayn, which one of us is supposed to go?

"I'll go," Zayn grunts as if reading my thoughts. "You two stay and tell Harry and Niall when they get back, I'll call if anything happens."

After much begging the ambulance official reluctantly hands over a pen and paper and I write down our ski cabins phone line number then they're off. Lou and I are left watching it fade off into the white with it's sirens blaring.

"Thank-you for helping," I say to Laura. "We need to catch up sometime ae?"

Laura nods, "I work at the hospital so if you come see Liam sometime after six I'll be there on the night shift!" She smiles and we part ways.

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