
15 4 1

Eek! I haven't been here in so long! It's not even a proper book and I feel bad. Lol.

Due to some turn of events. I have alot to explain. I had a mental debate on what this should be about and decided on something.....or rather someone. Okay this is going to be a whole lot of random crap cause that's what this book is all about but anyway!

Skai ya better be satisfied😂.

First up! Kai.
Kai is uh. Teehee. Someone close to me👉👈. Buuuuuuuuuut. Eh. I can't remember anything I wanted to say. I need help.

Honestly, I've been lazing around this entire time first cause of disappointment then because I realised it's the holidays and I can do alot less work. I'm still disappointed inside. But I'll get over it.

That was probably confusing as hell and I'm sorry about this crappy rant.


Ranting!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon