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Hey Hey!

Today started off really ordinary. Except for the fact that I was woken up at 6:20 and expected to be ready by 6:30!!!!! I have to be at school by 7:00. Sucks. But I always go early just because. I'm just used to it. Plus more time to talk!😁😁

But I still arrived early. Not as early as I usually would😐 but still early.

I got to class and we had to do some writing thing for the kindness tree. We painted a huge tree 🌳at the back of our class an we had to write a name of anyone in the class, how they've helped you and stick the bird on the tree.

I wrote 6 if not 7 people. Hehe yea I wrote a lot. But they were nice to me Okay?

Then time skip to arrrrrrrt🗻🙌! Yes!

In art we sit at tables in groups. I was in a group with Jaelynn, Pacific, Lilith, Kai, Carla and Lisa. Good group huh? The art teacher Ms. Dufonte gave out newspapers. She told us to look for a portrait In the newspaper, stick it on a page in your sketch pad then try and draw a cartoon version of the person.

This was way different from the previous colour blending painting. Yea we did that too. 😃

Did I mention I had walked out to call Ms. Dufonte at the beginning of the lesson which gave the others a chance to be sneaky😥. I got back with Lilith and saw that my backpack was on the chair next to Kai. Typical😣.

So I got there and was like "oh. I see what you've done".

Kai saw it too but we ignored it. Idky.

My drawing came out horrible! I would show it but thats a crime against human kind. And My sketch pad is with the teacher so unless you want me to rob her, I'm not going to show you.

Break time!

I wasn't hungry. I'm not normally hungry at break. Weird. But I normally eat aloooooooooooot.

So we walked around alot. We being Jaelynn, Pacific and I. We ended up by the poolside. Kai, Zack, Wyatt and Tim were there too.

We talked alot and at some point Lilith walked by with her finger hooked around Skai's finger.

Skai and Zack are a thing. So Lilith was like "see. We're closer than you are".

JaeLynn, Pacific and I were like "ooooooooooooooooooooooooh".

Then Kai was like "You guys sound like the birds in my room".

And Jaelynn mirrored my thoughts by saying "why do you have birds in your room?"

And Kai was like "I really don't know. Theyre basically in my ceiling. I just hear them chirping and going oooooooh"

We laughed hard! Like really hard! 

Then the conversation escalated somehow to Lilith clapping and singing while Kai and Axel tried to "pole dance"😂😂😂. That was sad and hilarious. They just looked like faux spidermen.

We were laughing when we realised the bell had rang ages ago!😬😬😬So we rushed to our next class which wasn't that bad. Library. We wouldnt be in trouble for that would We? Eish if it was English we would've been dead. Thank goodness it wasn't.🙇🏽‍♀️


Intensive studying for a business test with Pacific and Lisa. 😥😥

A few laughing points when we remembered ridiculous childhood memories. 😂😂


We didn't have the test. Just had a very unfair quiz. The other side got so many second chances!😲😲 Totally unfair!

Knocking off!

I headed to my locker but my thoughts came back. They're dumb thoughts but they have a huge impact on me.

I'm not that good at sports, I'm not super pretty, I don't have a very special talent so academics is basically all I have.

When my team lost the quiz, I just felt like a disappointment. Then I started panicking and I couldn't breathe. I tried to breath but it wasn't working. I just. Couldn't.

Pacific, Jaelynn and Lilith helped though. Thanks to them. Pacific was acting like I was about to die😂😂😂. She was freaking out.

Jaelynn and Lilith had seen me like that before so they reacted better. I honestly want these things to go. I freak out over some things that someone else would brush off. Why do I have to react that way?

They call them panic attacks but I'm not sure thats the correct term.

I'm at home right now in sweatpants, a big shirt and no shoes sitting criss cross applesauce with my phone in hand finishing this rant😂

Thats right!

You've reached the end of today!
First rant done!
If you reached here then you're a legend. This was long as heck.
Anyway. See ya.


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