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I don't think TLVS is one of my favourite books. It's confusing and some things are uh....well. I don't want to come off hateful so I won't say much.

It's a good book and I love how much effort the author has put in. That is all I will say.


I changed my view on it. The book was a tad bit confusing but I've got to say. It's kept me on my toes. Unfortunately, I'm at the end of the book. From late afternoon yesterday to this moment. I just. I have no words. I would still recommend the book. So read it! Please.....


This rant is short. Tomorrow is Christmas so I have to go to church. Which means I have to try and sleep before 3am. Wish me luck. Tonight would've been the perfect night to stay up. I'm not tired at all. But meh. Luck's not on my side.

Talk Tomorrow!


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