8. Family

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Aleena watched peter swing out of her room the next morning after he had decided to stay over and let her patch him up. She left her room with a smile on her face and made her way to the kitchen where she poured herself a glass of milk and grabbed a granola bar. With her breakfast in hand she turned to the table to see her mother and father staring at her.

"Hey. Shouldn't the two of you be at work?" She questioned

"There is something we need to talk about." Her mom told her. "Its about your father."

"Are you alright?" She asked her dad.

"Your biological dad, Princess." Warren told his daughter.

"Oh. I thought we weren't allowed to talk about him." Aleena said wearily sitting down at the table.

"Of course you are baby." Samantha replied giving Aleena a soft smile.

"There's something you need to know about him." Warren said.

"As you know, your father was an employee at Oscorp. Well he wasn't just an employee."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Baby your father, he owned Oscorp." Samantha said

"What is my dad Norman Osborn or something?" Aleena joked.

"No. No your father is Alexander Osborn." Warren revealed.

"What? That's crazy."

"I met your father when I was in college, and we fell in love, we got married when I was twenty five and had you a year later. He loved you so much baby. We had to keep you a secret because the only people who knew we were even married were Warren, your uncle Norman and my parents. But when you were around a year old word got out when he started bringing you to the office to show you off to all his workers. When you were around three years old there was an accident and your father passed away." Her mom said and started sniffling, she wiped her eyes and gave her daughter a small smile.

"Why are you telling me this?" Aleena asked confused as she took it all in.

"You're about to graduate and you need to know, you're supposed to run the company with your cousin Harry when you come of age."

"I- I don't..." Aleena didn't know what to think, she was confused and hurt and just wanted to leave. How was she supposed to run a company with someone she didn't even know. And her whole entire future was just decided for her. She didn't know what to say or do. It was like a devastating pain in her chest. It felt like a balloon was blowing up in her heart and it felt like she needed to vomit.

She looked at the milk in front of her and just got sicker when she looked at it.

"I should... I should probably go to school." She told her parents standing up from the table.

"We will talk when you get home?" Her mom suggested and Aleena nodded before grabbing her book bag and booking it out of the door.

She took the subway to school and the feeling of nausea slowly diminished but was still prevalent as she made her way to school.

The whole day felt like a fever dream like everything was in fast motion but in her little bubble everything was slowed dramatically.

"Hey!" Peter greeted cheerily causing her to jump.


"Are you alright? You look a little pale." Peter observed putting a hand to her forehead in concern.

"I'm fine, plus I am always pale." She responded giving him a fake smile that luckily he didn't see through. He gave her a smile back and leaned in to kiss her.

NERD; PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now