1. Origin Story

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"Your mom is crazy sometimes." Misha said glancing at his step sister as he drove down the road.

"Your the one who spilled Fanta in the fridge and left it for her to clean." Aleena scoffed.

"Whatever." Misha muttered.

"It was blue!" Aleena pointed out and he pursed his lips.

He stopped the car in front of school and Aleena grabbed her bag, kissed his cheek and jumped out of his car.

"Have fun!" he called.

"Your just parking Mish." She laughed.

Misha and Aleena are in the same grade even though he's a year older than her. She was moved up a grade in junior high because her teachers and parents figured it was better than being bored and causing trouble in a class that taught things she already knew.

Aleena quickly made her way through the halls to her locker quickly grabbing the books she needed.

Peter Parker walked by holding his skateboard above his head as the principal yelled at him, Aleena watched him walk through the halls with a smile. She couldn't help it, her smile grew a bit wider as she watched him turn the corner and get on his board again.

Aleena heard a sigh next to her and turned to see Misha.

"What?" the blonde asked confused.

"You are crushing so hard on that boy it's scary."

"No I am not!" she protested.

"Oh please, you've had a crush on the poor boy since you were thirteen, I know you Leena."

"It doesn't matter anyway, it's not like he would like me back."

"I thought you were supposed to be the smart one." he mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" The girl asked raising her eyebrows.

"Nothing Leena, let's get to class before we're late... again."

She nodded and linked arms with her brother as they walked to math.

A few hours later on their lunch break Misha had gone off to hang out with some of his other friends, Aleena was planning on reading her old Batman comics, which she was thoroughly enjoying, and Peter Parker was secretly taking photos of the blonde nerd, but the universe had other plans as flash, the schools resident dick-nipple as Aleena like to call him, decided he wanted to pick up some freshman and shove his face into his food.

Soon enough a circle had surrounded the scene encouraging flash to make the boy 'eat it' when Peter Parker pushed to the front.

"Come on Parker take a picture!" flash called to the brunette smirking.

"I'm not taking a picture, come on man put him down." Peter called back as the chanting continued.

"Take the picture." flash demanded.

"Put hun down flash."

"Take it Parker."

Peter let out an exasperated sigh, "Put him down Eugene!" Peter told flash putting emphasis on his real name and everyone quieted.

Flash glared at Peter and tossed the kid aside onto the pavement.

"Hey!" Peter called to the kid moving to make sure he was okay but flags pushed him back and punched him in the eye, everyone yelled and hollered as Aleena winced.

"COME ON GET UP PARKER!" flash yelled and Peter tried to get up just to get kicked down again.

Peter groaned into the pavement and the blondes hand covered her mouth in worry.

NERD; PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now