5. Felicity to your Oliver

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Peter had missed a few days of school to mourn his uncle. And when he came back he was just so, for lack of better word, blah. Well now that Aleena thunk about it malcontent seemed like a good word.

She stood at her locker with Gwen by her side.

"It's terrible, I mean how could someone do that to another human?" Gwen ranted in a whisper afraid Peter might here them.

Aleena didn't answer just looked over at Peter with sad eyes.

"Hey Parker." Flash called and Aleena narrowed her eyes at the boy, didn't he know when to quit?

"Not today flash" Peter said digging in his locker.

"Hey, come on man. I just wanna talk..." flash told Peter and went to put a hand on his shoulder. Suddenly the bigger boy was slammed up against the locker, his feet weren't even touching the ground. Peter glared at flash with full force as he held tightly onto flash's collar. "It feels better, right? Look your uncle died. I'm sorry man. I get it. I'm sorry. Okay?"

Peter dropped flash as angry tears flowed from his eyes. He slammed his locker shut and rushed down the hallway only pausing when Gwen stepped out and hugged him but the brunette just shrugged her off. Aleena glanced at Gwen and Peter before rushing off after the messy haired boy.

As she caught up to him she grabbed hold of his hand and gave it a squeeze. He looked over confused and furrowed his brows when he saw her.

"Wanna skip first period?" She asked and he nodded, they left the school building hand in hand and sat behind the bleachers.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls." Peter apologized to the blonde.

Aleena tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shrugged. "I get it, you need time to mourn."

Peter gave the girl a small smile. "Thank you."

"No problem, I'm just glad your okay."

"Yeah." Peter whispered looking down at the grass. Aleena rested her head on peters shoulder.

Later that night Aleena was about to go to sleep when she got a call.

"Hey." Peter said on the other side. "Its peter."

"I know, I have caller ID."

"Can you come over? I need your help with something."

"At 11:00?"

"Yes and it's important hurry."

"Alright I'm on my way, I don't think may is going to like it when I walk through your front door at this hour though."

"I'm in the garage, I'll let you in here."

"Bye Peter."


Aleena got re-dressed from her pajamas and took a cab to peters. she walked up to the garage door and knocked softly, Peter opened it with a smile.

"Hey." He greeted grinning.

"Hey, what happened to your face?"

"Oh nothing, but I got an idea!"

"What would that be?"

"I want to help people, not be a hero per se, but do stuff the police can't."

"Are you asking me to be the Felicity Smoak to your Oliver Queen right now?" Aleena asked excitedly.

"Yeah, kinda. I mean only if you wanted to-"

"Are you kidding, I would love to be your Felicity, or your cisco, he's funnier in my opinion."

NERD; PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now