12. Beautiful

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TW: there will be talk of sexual situations in this chapter so if that makes you uncomfortable please scroll past it.

The night of graduation the spider squad and their family were set to have dinner together.

Aleena sat next to Misha with a empty seat on the other side of her and next to that seat sat Gwen with her brothers on her other side and their parents next to them. Aleena and Misha's parents were sat next to them as well in the large circle table.

"Where is he?" Misha asked his little sister.

"I don't know. You know how he is though. He's always late." Aleena defended her boyfriend but she was starting to get worried himself. She bit her lip staring at the seat next to her.

Gwen suddenly slapped her arm and pointed outside. Aleena turned and saw Peter standing outside awkwardly kicking the gravel on the street.

"Excuse me for a moment." Aleena told the table before standing and walking out. She stood in front of the messy haired boy with a small frown. "Where have you been? I was getting worried."

"I-I'm sorry." Peter replied softly. Aleena noticed his lip was trembling slightly.

"What's wrong babe?" She questioned grabbing his hand in worry.

"I don't know what I'm doing."

"Its captain Stacy isn't it?"

"He's everywhere I go... I can't... I don't know what... I don't know what to do with him. I cant get him out of my head."

"Babe we've talked about this. Gwen talked to you about it."

"I know. But-"

"Peter its not his choice if your friends with Gwen or not."

"Baby, I promised him I would stay away from Gwen. And now I'm about to eat diner with her family. W-What does that... what does that make me?"

"I don't know, what does that make you?"

"It makes me unable to live with myself. It makes me a bad person."

"Peter you could never be bad. You're the best person I've ever met." Aleena responded and Peter scoffed. "Listen to me please. Peter she loves you, you're one of her best friends, you hurt her more when you flake on her like this."

A tear slipped down his face as he looked at his girlfriend. "I know. She's one of my best friends too-"

"Then why isn't it enough?"

"Its the same reason I wanted to keep my distance from you. What if something happens and I can't save her? What if I can't save her like i couldn't save him?" Peter questioned hotly. Aleena opened her mouth to respond but Peter cut her off. "No wait!"

"Listen. No-"

"Wait! I can not let that happen."

"Peter. Listen to me. She knows all about you being Spider-Man and she adores that part of you just like I do but just like me she adores Peter Parker more and to her its worth being in danger to be your friend."

"Well it's not worth it to me. I can't lose her too."

Aleena let out a sigh knowing she wouldn't win this fight. "Give me a second. I'll be right back."

Aleena walked away from peter and went back into the restaurant to grab her jacket. "I'm so sorry but I gotta go." She apologized to the table. She watched as Gwen's eyes filled with tears with a small frown.

NERD; PETER PARKERWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu