6. Fancy Fish

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Aleena stood in front of her mirror looking at her outfit. Sure she looks like Dean Winchester while wearing a red flannel but she enjoys it. Aleena looked down at her phone 7:53 Peter was cutting it a bit close.

A sudden knock on her window startled her, she turned to see peter giving her a smile.

She shook her head and walked to the window opening it for the messy haired boy. "You do know there are such things as doors right?" She joked

"I know. Your door man is intimidating." Peter responded climbing inside her room.

"Earl is a sweetheart, he came to my eighth birthday party."

"He sounds lovely. So, this is your room."

"Yeah, got my books, DVD's, desk, bed, chair, dresser, filing cabinet, um... closet.... space that used to hold a filing cabinet that got moved so its just an empty space between my desk and the bed. And that's it."

"Its great in here, plus the window is right next to the fire escape so I have somewhere to land when I need medical attention."

"That would be a plus for you."

"Yeah... Oh! I got your mom these!" he said excitedly pulling out flowers that were damaged while he was swinging around New York.

"Oh, lovely!"

"Oh yeah, beautiful right?" He asked jokingly.

"They're beautiful." She assured him.

"They were beautiful." Peter corrected hiding his face behind the flowers.

"No, they're great, mom would love them. Besides they held up shockingly well in your bag."

"I'm going to keep these." Peter laughed stuffing them into his bag as the two laughed.

"So, your web slingers getting use?"

"Yeah, a lot of it. You won't believe how much web fluid these can use, I could go like two more weeks without refilling it. You're a genius for coming up with them."

"Just doing my job. You wouldn't believe how cool it is being your guy in the chair."

"Hey, Lee?" Aleena's dad called walking into the room, he raised his brows seeing Peter in his daughters room. Peter and Aleena froze like a deer in headlights afraid of what her dad might say.

"You must be Peter then." Warren Turner said, he stuck his hand out for peter to shake. "I'm Aleena's dad."

"I-It's nice to meet you sir, I'm Peter Parker." Peter stuttered shaking the older mans hand.

"Nice to meet you Peter, Aleena may I speak with you for a moment?"

"Yeah, um, I'll be right back peter."

Aleena and her dad left the girls room and when she closed the door behind her she looked at her dad worriedly.

"What was that boy doing in your room?" Warren asked suspiciously.

"He said the doorman was intimidating so he came up the fire escape."

"Its nineteen stories up."

"I know. We were about to come out and introduce him to everyone."

"You are so lucky that Misha told me good things about this boy. He better be funny."

"Can we just forget about the whole room thing please?"

"Why should I?"

"I wont tell mom you took Misha and I shooting last month."

"That.... Is a pretty good reason, bring the boy out to meet your mother."

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