11. Graduation

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Aleena was the last person in the last row just behind Mark Walter. Sometimes she hated her last name because she would be the youngest and last person to graduate in her class. But she was also salutatorian right behind Gwen. She would have been valedictorian if it hadn't been for her non perfect attendance record. So she would be standing on the stage with Gwen.

Everything was perfect. She was wearing her favorite outfit, a necklace Peter had gotten her for her birthday and had on nice natural makeup so she didn't look like a cake face. So yes everything was perfect except for the fact her boyfriend was no where to be found.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and called him.

"Hey. Hey I'm sorry I'm late... I uh... ran into some traffic."

"Your timing is terrible. It's started already."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Where are you?"

"Uh. First in Broadway. Second in Broadway. Third in Broadway. I'll be there in five minutes... ten tops."

"Peter are those sirens?"

"What? Noooo..." he replied and Aleena rolled her eyes at his horrible lying.





"Peter Parker I swear-"

"No... no sirens. No..." Peter replied suddenly drifting off

"Peter what's happening." Aleena demanded.

"I'll be right there. I promise!" He said before hanging up.

"Peter!" Aleena hissed into the phone. Mark Walter looked at her confused, she gave him a small smile before turning away and facing the front.

She and Gwen were soon called up to the stage, Aleena didn't have a speech because she didn't have to have one so she just stood next to the principal when Gwen gave her speech.

"I know we think we're immortal. We're supposed to feel that way, we're graduating. But like our brief four years in high school, what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever, what makes it precious is that it ends. I know that now more than ever. And I say it, today of all days, to remind us that time is luck. So don't waste it living someone else's life, make yours count for something. Fight for what matters to you, no matter what. Because even if you fall short, what better way is there to live?"

Everyone clapped and soon the kids were called up to get their diplomas and shake hands with the valedictorian and the salutatorian. Aleena nervously looked around when the 'N' names slowly started coming to a close.

"Peter Parker." The principal called. "Peter Parker." He called again and Peter appeared out of almost nowhere to accept his diploma.

The messy haired boy took the diploma and shook hands with Gwen before turning to his girlfriend bringing her into a kiss and even dipping her. The audience of children cheered louder as the couple pulled back. Peter had his signature shit eating grin and Aleena had a small shy smile as blush spread across her cheeks.

Peter gave her a wink before walking off stage. After Gwen received her diploma and hugged Aleena she set it down on the chair behind her and went back to shaking hands. Soon the 'T' names came and Misha walked up to get his diploma. Aleena had never been so proud of her big brother. He took his diploma and like shook Gwen's hand before pulling her into a hug and immediately pulling Aleena into a hug giving her a kiss on the forehead.

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