2. Research

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Aleena was brushing her hair when she got the call.

The call that is probably the most vital part of her origin story.

"Hello?" she asked hitting the answer button.

"Is this Aleena?"

"Yeah, who are you?" she asked curiously.

"Uh, this is Peter, Peter Parker, um, I might need your help."

"Peter how did you get my number?"

"School website, I really need your help."

"What's the matter?"

"Can you come over, like now?"

"I don't know where you live."

"36 fuller place and prospect Avenue." he said quickly.

She grabbed a pen from her desk scribbled it down on her hand.

"I'll be there soon, bye Peter."

"Bye." he said weakly.

Aleena rushed out of the apartment as fast as possible and called a cab to take her to peters house.

She payed the cab driver and when she knocked on the door she half expected Peter himself to open it but was surprised when an older woman opened the door instead.

"Hi, I'm here to see Peter."

"Peter didn't tell me anyone was coming over."

"It was kind of last minute, we forgot we had a project."

"One second," the older woman turned to the house and shouted up a flight of stairs. "Peter, there's someone here to see you."

"Let her up please." was the muffled response.

The older woman opened up the door fully and let the the blonde in.

"My name is may." the lady introduced.

"Aleena Watts."

"Oh so your the famous Aleena." may said smiling, Aleena just furrowed her eyebrows. "peters room is the first one to the left."

"Thank you."

Aleena walked up the stairs in a quick pace and turned to the door may said was peters.

"Peter, are you in there?" she called knocking, the door was immediately opened and when the girl stepped inside was quickly shut behind her.

"Peter why did you call me here on a Sunday and why do you look like you just escaped a mental ward?"

"I need your help."

"With what Peter, what's happening?"

"I don't know how to explain it, I can do things."

"Do you have any clue how little it narrows it down?"

"No Aleena I can do things I shouldn't be able to do like rip off a door handle or crush my alarm clock with one touch."

"What are you talking about Peter?"

"Your not going to believe me, but I was bitten by a spider and I think it gave me some sort of powers."

Aleena just stared at the messy haired boy in shock.

"Powers?" she asked incredulously. "okay let's say you did have these powers, why would you tell me?"

"Your the only one I know who knows about this kind of stuff and I'm really freaking out." he stressed.

Aleena let out a sigh, "Start explaining."

NERD; PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now