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I looked in that direction where that photo was kept finally I saw the glimpse of that photo, that was the photo of a man who looks like vansh, I guess he must be his dad......

Vansh enter inside holding a kalash in his hand, his face was pale after performing some rituals almost everyone went back to their respective homes, after trying a lot I feed some fruits to dadi, I thought to talk to ishaani and sia as well but I know that ishaani doesn't like me much so I kept that thought aside, I went to vansh's room to talk to him,

He was sitting on the floor holding his Father's pic in his hand ....
I sat beside him holding his hand, I wasn't getting proper words to talk to him,

"Riddhima do you know that day I got the call from the hospital that dad got heart attack....
We never had a good relation but at the end time of his life he apologize to me for not being a good father, he was regretting it badly, you know after mom's death I always craved for his love and he never spend time with me, for him his business was everything but when he was talking the last breath he.... "

While talking about his dad he became so emotional, I can understand his pain, I am an orphan that's why I can feel that pain too, to not have a mother or father is most painful thing....

Not able to see him broken, I take him in my arms to console him, he broken down in my arms, crying badly like a kid

"Shh vansh don't cry, your mom and dad will always remain in your heart, whenever you'll close your eyes you'll find them " I tried to make him understand that whom we love the most can go far away from us physically but they always remain in our hearts, he lie down in my lap keeping his head on my lap, I ruffed his hairs lovingly
He hold my hand and kept it on his heart, I peck his forehead to take away all his pain.......

It's been one week after that incident, vansh became really weak , he hardly talks to anyone that thing was hurting me the most, I tried to cheer him up but nothing went well, one day we all were sitting the the hall that's when a lawyer came there

"Mr vansh rai singhania you have to leave this house along with your family in three days, your dad lost all his property may be that's why he got heart attack, now his all properly belongs to Mr Shekhavat...... "

That was the worse news for all of us, all weren't came out from the trauma of his dad's death now this also.....
Oh shit I forgot my phone in his room, I went back in his room to take it back there were so many miss calls from Kabir's  number I came in a corner to talk to him, I said bye to vansh and told him that I am going to my apartment because I have some work  ......

" Kabir what's wrong with you I told you na I can't meet you now then why are you so desperate to meet me?? " I scold Kabir as soon as I saw him.....

" Baby you know na that I love you, I can't stay away from you darling " Kabir told me while kissing my cheeks, before I could say anything a person came from behind and gave a solid punch to Kabir

"How dare you to touch my girl how dare you?? " Vansh gave a trial of punches to Kabir...

"Stop it vansh it's not what are you thinking" I tried to stop vansh but he wasn't in a mood to listen to me.....

"Don't need to explain anything to me riddhima I know he is troubling you since last few days don't worry I am here to protect you.. " He assured me while punching him again and again...

"Vansh you are hurting him just stop it " I tried to stop him but on getting another way I gave a hard slap to vansh making him shocked...

" Riddhima " That's the only thing he could say.....

" I told you to stop but you, oh got you hurt him so badly " I clean the blood from  the corner of his lips from my duppata  ..

" Why do you care for him so much??what relation do you have with him"Vansh asked me looking my concerned for him

"I love him, I love Kabir suna tumne?? " I told him in loud tone....

"Then what about me?? " Vansh asked me being heartbroken

"That was just a drama, I don't have feelings for you kr vansh rai singhania, you are nothing to me suna tumne??? "


Before you guys throw rotten eggs and tomatoes on me I am running away from here....

That's shocking right??
What the hell is happening with vansh??
Huh not again yaR  .
Well well welll ahem tell me what can happen next??
The idea which I liked the most will get a reward....
Nd correct answer I won't reveal now 😜😜😜be in suspense kz I love mystery nd suspense

#do give reviews
#happy reading

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