Chapter 73: [Grouping Up]

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[Airport, China]

Standing on the platform where planes were landing, both Greg and Ryuuji were keeping watch of their surroundings in order for them to notice anything strange that would happen

As few days have passed since Ryuuji had that call from Jinwoo in South Korea, today was the day that the team would unite once more

As they stood on the platform both Greg and Ryuuji were talking to each other to pass the time

"So tell me... Why are we standing in the platform where planes park in the first place?" Asks Ryuuji

"To get a better view on whether your so called friends came or not" said Greg

"Oh really?" Said Ryuuji in astonishment

Upon seeing that Greg's eyebrow suddenly twitched as he asked

"Aren't you worried that they'll ditch you?"

"Huh? Oh! Don't worry about that since I pretty much know who's in charge of the group currently" replied Ryuuji

"That's a lot of trust..." Gasped Greg

"Or more like lot of confidence" corrected Ryuuji

As they said that more or less, Ryuuji asked such following questions as he was bored and either needed information

"So is there any news regarding Undead and the kid he kidnap in California?"

Hearing that Greg suddenly pulled out something from his pocket as he took out a cigarette and lit of up

"Well there is... But... "


"The professional group of Chinese people was sent to the previous spot where the battle was initiated, and from those ruins, they found out that there was an entrance leading to lab deep buried under the pieces of rubbles" said Greg

"So more or like a base?" sked Ryuuji

"Yeah more like a base or so, but either way they couldn't even find any documents inside nor both the kidnapper and the child he kidnap... It's like they disappeared" said Greg as he puff out a smoke

"Is that so? So that means the culprit had been busy, he already made plans to leave his current place since we've discovered his existence in such place" said Ryuuji

"It is as you said it" agreed Greg

After that Greg pulled out his cellular phone and typed some numbers on it as he made a call towards a person

"Mind if I..."

"Huh sure! Go ahead!" Replied Ryuuji nonchalantly

After that Greg used this time as he made an important call to someone while Ryuuji was left on standby

After some time Greg returned and nudged Ryuuji

"Hey! Don't you think those Chinese guys are sometimes selfish?" He asked

"And why is that?" Asked back Ryuuji

"Well the moment we reported such news to them, they immediately took us out of the case in some random bullshit reason, it's like they wanted to take some credit on it... Is it their pride?" Asked Greg

"How would I know? Chinese are Chinese, Americans are Americans, Englishman are Englishman, Koreans are Koreans, and Japanese are Japanese... Even though we have the same race, why do you think people have a lot of sides and different countries?" Asked Ryuuji


Hearing no response he continued what he said

"I'm saying is that we are different from each other, we may have the same race but ideals always differs... Some becomes good, some becomes wicked, while some be ones corrupt... Such a thing is already embedded in the society of the humanity, it can't be erased by any force" said Ryuuji

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