13. Trouble at St. Mungo's

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James' POV
"Oh my god, Mum, Dad!" I exclaimed, ecstatic to see them. They smiled lightly. I knew that Sirius was delighted to see our parents too, but he masked his expression and put on a worried face.
"We'll talk later, but for now, we've come instead of Michael and Mellisa. They were out of town." Euphemia Potter, a.k.a. my mum, explained. Since everyone already knew Marlene's parents, there was no need for an introduction. However, only Marlene knew my parents out of the girls.
"These are mine and Sirius' parents, Euphemia and Fleamont Potter," I explained hurriedly. " Now, let's not waste more time. Come on." I led them to an old shut-down building named 'Purge & Dowse.' It had large signs that read 'Closed for Refurbishment.' On display was a mannequin wearing an ugly, out-dated neon green dress. Mum stepped forward, conversed with it, walked straight through the window, and vanished. When I visited St. Mungo's the first time, I nearly fainted when I saw Mum doing that. But I had come to St. Mungo's several times to help the injured when the staff was more limited, so I was used to it now. We all did the same. When we reached, we were in St. Mungo's Hospital For Magical Maladies and Injuries. We were in what seemed to be a crowded reception area where rows of witches and wizards sat upon rickety wooden chairs, some looking perfectly normal and perusing out-of-date copies of Witch Weekly, others sporting gruesome disfigurements. Dad asked the witch who was sitting at the reception where Marlene was. She gave him the details, and he led us through various corridors until finally halting outside a door. A tall witch in lime-green robes was attending to Marlene. We knocked on the door, and she hurried to open it.
"Hello, I'm Marjorie. What can I do for you?" The Healer asked.
"We would like to meet Marlene McKinnon," Sirius said impatiently. Healer Marjorie shot him a knowing look.
"Please come in." We went into the room to find Marlene flicking through a Witch Weekly magazine. When she saw us, her eyes lit up, and she jumped to hug Mum and Dad. Then she hugged each of us. I didn't fail to notice that she lingered on Sirius a moment longer than the others. Judging by the look in her eyes and her smirk, neither did Lily.
"How are you now, Marly?" Lily asked.
"I've been better," She said. Then she pouted and said, "They gave me horrible tasting potions."
"Oh, then I'll have to report them to the Aurors." Lily tried to say commandingly but ended up laughing. We chuckled.
"Sirius, can we talk to you outside?" Mom asked.
"Sure, Mum." Sirius followed Mum and Dad outside.
I immediately started thinking every single thing Sirius had done wrong. Every single thing could get him in trouble.
After a while of chatting with Marly, Sirius, Mum and Dad returned. All three of them had a poker face. After some time of more joking and chatting, we exited St. Mungo's. We exchanged our goodbyes and returned to Hogwarts while Mum and Dad apparated to the Potter Manor. We had a quick dinner and went to our respective dormitories. It was a long day.

Hey! How are you? Hope you are well!
Well, this chapter is a little return gift for you! It's my birthday today!
All your comments, votes and reads are the presents.
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!
Love y'all!

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