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Remus' POV
"Well, time for an excursion to Hogsmeade, boys," James said, getting up and taking out his Invisibility Cloak.
The Cloak was a silvery, almost transparent fabric. It concealed its wearer magnificently. James had got the Cloak from his father, who got it from his father and so on. It was rare, even in the Wizarding world. It had also saved us from receiving detention countless times.
"Are you sure we should go out this late? We could get caught, you know." I said responsibly. I had to be the sensible one of the group since the other three were reckless.
"C'mon Moony, lighten up a little!" Sirius whined.
"Yeah, it's not like we don't have the Cloak," James added.
"True, but it hardly conceals the three of us now," I argued.
"It'll be fine! Don't be such a buzzkill, Moony!" Sirius pleaded.
"Fine, but let's perform the Disillusionment charm, just in case." I sighed and performed the charm on the three of us. I felt as though someone had broken an egg on my head, like a flood of cold running down over me.
"Alright, let's go." I sighed tiredly.
We pulled the Invisibility Cloak over ourselves and tiptoed out of the portrait hole towards the third-floor corridor. When we reached a one-eyed statue, Sirius fumbled in his pocket for the secret to our success in pranking and our careless loitering. The Marauders' Map was a magical map that showed every single room at Hogwarts. Seems pretty ordinary, right? It also showed everyone everywhere, what they were doing every minute. It had saved us, along with the Cloak, multitudinous times from Filch and the professors.
"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good," Padfoot muttered, tapping the frayed parchment.
An opening appeared in the statue and we climbed in. It involved a lot of pushing, to say the least. The dingy tunnel was eerily quiet. We pranced the tunnel lazily. It took us about an hour to finally reach the trapdoor that led to the Honeydukes' cellar. James pushed it upwards and made way for us. Seconds later we were standing in a big mess of crates. We got out of the sweet shop and made way towards the Three Broomsticks. I halted abruptly. My body began thrashing painfully. The last thing I heard was Sirius yell 'Fuck!' before I remembered the one thing I had never been able to forget. It was a full moon.

My flight is taking off right now, so I need to turn on airplane mode. I'll see the mistakes and edit it later. Byeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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