5. Lucky day (continued)

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James' POV

"A perfect Draught of Living Death! A vial of Felix Felicis each!"

With that, he dismissed the class. We couldn't be happier.

With that, we filed out of the dungeons and into the Great Hall for lunch. All the seventh years that had taken the potions class were sulking. Lily and I were grinning like fools. I helped myself to baked beans, pasta salad, roasted chicken, Shepherd's pie, baked beans, and a goblet of pumpkin juice. Padfoot scowled and suffocated his plate with food a giant won't be able to eat. Moony just sighed at his best friend's antics while Peter chuckled. I was finishing my pasta when Padfoot said casually," You know, your partner looked happy working with you today."

I choked on my pasta and quickly took a sip of my juice.

"How d'you know that?" I asked him, eyeing him suspiciously.

Sirius smiled devilishly, wiggled his eyebrows, and said, "So I am right, eh?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line, not giving him details and annoying him. He was about to say something when Lily interrupted.

"Pot-James, can you come with me for a second?" She asked.

"Sure, Eva-Lily," I smirked at her and stood up to follow her into the Entrance hall.

"Couldn't resist my charm, at last?" I asked Lily cheekily. She scowled.

"No, Potter, I came here to discuss Head duties. Or did Dumbledore give the badge to the real Head Boy, huh?" She sneered.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. I thought we were starting to get along.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"We have patrols at 7 p.m. Meet me in our common room, okay?"

I nodded as she headed towards our next lesson, Transfiguration. I went back to the Great Hall to wait for the Marauders. They weren't there. Weird, they always wait for me. Shrugging, I headed to the Transfiguration classroom and reached a second before Professor McGonagall. She gave us a lecture on the importance of N.E.W.T.s. Finally, the bell rang. Lily, along with her friends and me and the Marauders, filed out and headed to the Head dormitory for our free period. I had to tell the Marauders our password because Padfoot threatened to hex me if I didn't. Marlene had done the same to Lily. As Padfoot went on and on about the Holyhead Harpies, I realized something suddenly. Along with Head Boy, I had also been given the position of Quidditch Captain of the Gryffindor team. I asked Padfoot when I should keep trials. At first, he looked confused until it finally dawned on him.

"I forgot you got that! You can run the trials on Saturday." He suggested.

"Okay. Let's go, or we'll be late for Divination."

We reached the North Tower and climbed the silver ladder just in time. The dimly lit room looked like a cross between somebody's attic and an old-fashioned tea shop. It was filled with comfortable armchairs, and the smell of perfume was overwhelming. There was a fire crackling in the grate. Professor Cassandra had her back to the class. She finally turned to face the class. (I know Cassandra wasn't their teacher. Please go with it.)

"Welcome back to another year of Divination!" She said in a misty voice. With her numerous glittering jewelry, shawls, and glasses that magnified her eyes to its double size, she almost looked like a giant-sized butterfly.

"Today, all of you will be crystal-gazing!" The class groaned.

I paired up with Sirius, Remus with Peter, Lily with Marlene, and Alice with Mary. We all began working until Alice laughed loudly at something she discovered.

"According to the book, I will be tortured into insanity at a very young age. How ridiculous!" She said in between wheezes.

"And I will die two years after graduating," Marlene said in between snorts.

"I will be murdered for protecting my son from getting murdered," Lily said, shaking her head and laughing.

"I will marry a man who works for the Ministry and have chances of getting banished from the wizarding world due to me being a muggle-born." Mary declared.

"I will marry a woman ten years younger than me, have a son, and get killed during a battle when the son is not even one," Remus said and laughed.

"I will get killed by my death eater cousin at the Ministry."

Sirius barked out a laugh as he said that.

"And I will try to save my wife and son from getting killed by sacrificing myself," I said siriusly- I mean seriously.

After Divination, we had dinner, spent some time in our dormitory, and went to sleep in our respective rooms. It was a really lucky day.


I am so sorry, guys! You are so patient and lovely if you are reading this. I have no excuse that can cover my delay! I just had this nasty disease called writers' block. I am soooooooooooo sorry! I promise I'll update faster this time! Thank you, awesome people! :)

P.S.- I am sorry, I had to do that Divination part. Just so you know, I cried over that too :(

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