not an update

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ok this is not an update but i will update soon. But first i need to tell you guys something that happened to me in a dream and it felt so real and it hurt me. LITERALLY!

ok so in my dream i was with my bf (a random dude i didn't recognize at all). And we were at school then all of a sudden these people come into my school killing people. Me and my bf and friends go hide in the cafeteria (WHICH LOOKED LIKE MY FREAKING KITCHEN) and we hid. Then the leader ig came into the kitchen and he started looking around as he was looking around he killed people that he found. I told my friends and bf i will distract him and they fucking said go ahead. Like tf. Anyways back to what i was saying, I went to distract him and once he turned around if was fucking Thomas. Yes fucking thomas Petrou the founder of the hype house. The one with funny ass yt videos beside bryces. And i went up to him and i started "flirting" with him so my friends and bf can leave. Then when i was going in for a "kiss" i saw Mia. Yes mia thomas's gf. And ig he also saw her and he layed me on the ground and stabbed me. I then actually felt the pain irl. I have never been stabbed before and its weird that my body and mind knew what it felt like. And then as i was slowly dying he said "this cut isn't big enough" and he pulled out scissors and i started yelling "stop it please" and he said "sorry princess but everyone has to die its the bosses orders" and he started cutting the cut more and i was just crying. Then i felt him put his hand on my cheek wiping my tear. then when i closed my eyes I woke up.

Ok so i woke up and i actually felt the pain but there was nothing there. I didn't want to tell my parents because then they will make me stop watching movies and tv shows with violence even though my dreams have nothing to do with the stuff i watch. Like the stuff i watch don't affect me.

If anyone knows what this means please tell me.

Oh and i had this dream at like 4 in the morning on Tuesday.

And if anyone is wondering what i did after i woke up. I went back to sleep and i started dreaming about adopting a baby pig, a kitten, and a puppy. Oh and a ferret and i was with my moms aunts son who is 16.

I need help with controlling what happens in my dreams because i have a dream everynight where im falling off a cliff.

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