( Ayo imma freak handcuff leashes. Sorry I had too)

Anywaysss I woke up at 3 in the morning my hair was beautiful. The sun was shining. Payton being cute and all he was awake and sitting up on his phone.

Haha jk it was 7 in the morning. My hair looked like a birds nest. Aubree was crying as if I was killing her or something. It was raining hard. Payton was being cute while he was sleeping. He is a really a heavy sleeper. Actually him and Jay are the same. Jay isn't awake yet. I was trying to calm Aubree down cause she was screaming on the top of her lungs. I felt Payton moving.

( I am going to be changing Aubrees age because that picture I put of her is actually a 7 months old baby so yea)

I lower my shirt and I started to breastfeed Aubree. I lay down with her in my arms. I feel a hand go around my waist. I turn a see paytons arm around my waist. I see Jay at the bottom of the bed. Aww they look so - wait a damn minute how did Jay get to the bottom of the bed. And how did Payton get this close to me. Wtf-- nvm I won't ask.

I feel paytons starting to cry and he started talking in his sleep.

Paytons dream:

P: don't leave me please
L: I have too I don't like u anymore ur such and asshole u know that right
P: but what about Jay
L: I'm taking him with me
P: ur not going to take my kid with u

I pulled my gun out and she walked closer

L: pull the fucking trigger Payton my life can't get any worse


I shot her in the head. Then my dream played over and over again. Until I shot myself in the head. Then I woke up

Back to Livias POV:

He jumped up and he looked scared. He saw me and he started crying

P: I'm sorry I'm sorry
L: what are u sorry for u didn't do anything
P: I'm sorry for shooting u
L: what do u mean

I laughed nervously

P: I shot u and it kept happening until I shot myself in the head.

I got scared and by that time Aubree was finished. I grabbed her and I ran out the door. I went to Jadens room and I cried.

Why did he shoot me in his dream? What if he tries to do it to me irl? What if he gets super mad at me and he hurts me badly?

I heard Payton at Jadens door. Jaden suddenly woke up

J: wtf is ur problem I am trying to fucking sle- omg are u ok liv

He saw me in the corner of his room crying. He came up to me and he tried to grab Aubree. I flinched

J: wtf did u do to her Payton
P: nothing just let me in please( muffled)

Jaden opened the door and Payton ran over to me. Jaden grabbed Aubree and set her on the bed. Payton tried to hug me and I flinched. He hugged me tightly. He whispered in my ear.

P: u know I won't hurt u. Right?
L: yea ik

I whispered back

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room. Jay was still asleep. How tf is he still asleep. Payton put me on the bed and he cuddled up to me. I fell asleep to his heartbeat.

1 hour later I woke up because we are in the car. Wtf we are in a car. How did I get in the ca- ohhhhhhh he carried me here didn't he. I see a beautiful house in front of me. Oh wait it's my house. Oops.

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