...... Kio.

L: wtf are u doing here
P: didn't u. YK. Die
K: oh u guys didn't know that I made a deal with the devil
L: the fuck
K: kidding. Actually no I'm not
P: gtf out of our house
K: with pleasure but I planted a bomb in here so u have about 30 minutes until it goes off.
L: ur a psychopath u killed ur own daughter
K: boo hoo

He starts laughing

L: just get out
K: bye guys

He took Olivia and kissed her. Then they left.

I started running upstairs and banging on the doors. Payton told everyone that our house was going to blow up. And we got as much stuff as we can. I got the babies and Jackson held Adrina and payton held jay. I was holding Aubree but she wanted payton and jay wanted me so we switched babies. I grabbed everything the babies needed since I have another house in Hawaii. We went to the car and I buckled the babies in. Me, payton and the babies took my Covertible and the others took 3 black cars. We drove to the airport while I was looking in the mirror watching my house burn down. Payton and the babies were fast asleep. I stayed up since I had to drive. We made it after 2 house of driving. Payton was going to get the babies our but I told him not yet.

P: why not
L: I have a private jet and we don't want to walk with all this stuff so I will drive to the back and it will be easier to carry stuff

He shrugged his shoulders and he went back to the passenger seat and he slept again.

L: Payton u do know that its a 5 minute drive right
P: yep now let me sleep.

We arrived to where the jet is.

(Rpg- random plane guy)

RPG: are u ready to get on
P: duh dumbass
L: sorry Jorge
RPG: it's John
L: well I am Livia and u are
RPG: fired yes ma'am
L: thanks I'm not in the mood right now so u fuckers better not fw me!
J:why aren't u in the mood
L: I drove for 2 hours while everyone in my car got sleep I'm tired asf so leave me tf alone.

I walked into the jet. I went straight to my room.

Payton followed me

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Payton followed me.

P: wtf is ur problem?
L: what do u mean
P: I mean what's ur problem ur so moody
L: u know what Payton

I walked closer to him

L: I am moody because u cheated on me u got me pregnant. My ex boyfriend is now in jail. I have a kid with him. One of the twins got killed

I was still walking closer to him we walked to the where the chairs are

I was still walking closer to him we walked to the where the chairs are

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Everyone was sitting down

P: well I'm sorry for everything I did to u. At least we got through it. We are friends and I'm still in love with u but u don't feel the fucking same

His back hit the wall and I was still walking closer to him.

Jn:is she on her period or something?
J: dude shut the fuck up?

I looked at Jackson and I ran up to him and I punched him.

L: YK what maybe I am. Maybe I am still in love with that guy

I pointed at Payton

L: maybe it's because both of my kids love him. And his stupid ass had to cheat on me when it was only Jay. Maybe it's because I loved him to death. But guess what life isn't fucking fair.

I walked to my room and I locked the door. I slide down the door and I started crying.

P: come on liv open the door (muffled)
L: no leave me alone
P: please ( muffled)
L: fine

I unlocked the door. He hugged me.

P: stop crying who made u cry I will kill them
L: so u want to kill yourself
P: I mean it's worth it after that little talk we had. " I loved him to death"

He mocked what I said

L: be quiet
P: oh Jackson is coming in 3..2..1..
Jn:Hi liv
L: what do u want
Jn: can Adrina sleep in my room.
L: sure where's jay and Aubree
Jn: with Jaden
L: are they sleeping
Jn: all 3 of them
L: ok bye

Jackson left and I look up at Payton and he leans down and kisses me. I kiss back.

I miss him. I miss his lips, hair, personality, his attitude, and him playing with jay while I wasn't home. He is a great dad even though we are 17. I want to marry him but the date passed already.

Then he stopped

P: u wanna go to bed
L: sure but I need to get the babies
P: fine

I walk out and tell Jaden to go to sleep. Jay and Aubree are still asleep. I lay down with them in between me and Payton. Jay hugged me and Aubree's little hand hugged paytons finger. Then me and payton fell asleep looking at each other.


Ok any ideas for next chapter

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