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It was the morning, and Jungkook wasn't as excited to get moving as he usually was. He was beginning to understand the true power that came from Faerie's magic, as it was kicking his ass at the moment. The attack the Faerie did to them last night hit him directly, and from what he noticed from the others, he was feeling the effects way more than the others. He could barely get out of his bed, groaning as he rolled over. Namjoon came to check on him. Jungkook was sweating, his head felt hot when the captain placed his hand against his forehead. Jungkook was sick. 

Namjoon tried not to panic as he went to the others to explain what was happening. Hoseok quickly raced to his computer to try and find information about what could be the issue. Namjoon went back to Jungkook.

"Kook, are you okay?" Jungkook groaned in response, looking worse and worse by the minute. Hoseok wasn't finding anything, Taehyung couldn't find proper berries to make a medicine. Namjoon remembered something just then.

The healer.

Avia back on Europa informed him of a special healer who lived on Faerie. If they could find the healer, they could help Jungkook get back to health. The only issue was how to find him. Avia said something about following the mariposas...


The crew gathered their things and head out in search of the healer. Jungkook was carefully slung over Namjoon's back, the captain making sure not to rock him too much and cause him any more pain than he was already feeling from the sickness. The decided to head east, in the direction he believe the Faerie they met went last.

It felt like hours passed by and there were no signs of entrances to caves or underground tunnels. No sign of civilization. They kept walking deeper and deeper into the swamp, losing sight of where they entered from. If they couldn't figure out the way back, it could mean serious trouble for the team. Namjoon kept looking around, trying to find even a glimpse of a butterfly wing. There was nothing in sight. They were surrounded by a foreign land with only a tale heard at a diner guiding them. If they didn't find this healer soon, they all could very much die.

Overhead, a shadow loomed, watching the adventurers' every move. Moving swiftly in the trees, he bounced from branch to branch, making sure they continuously steered from the path they needed to take. He didn't care much for visitors, let alone that of human decent. They were better off dying deep in the swamp, where no one would find their bodies. He'd already taken one of them out, he just needed to kill the rest.

His head whirled around to the left, his actions ceasing. A fluttering sound filled his ears, and soon a butterfly emerged from the darkness, softly flapping its wings toward the group. He cursed under his breath. No matter how hard he tried to keep strangers away, his beloved couldn't resist helping them. He had to give up once again and so he retreated back to his den, making sure not to make a sound.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐄 | 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now