Chapter 15: Hell

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Semi was feeling dizzy, his eyes closing as people screamed at him to move "I...I can' body aches." A man screamed at him "Do you think I care? Move! You are here for a fucking reason, now move you worthless brat." He kicked him, and continued to kick him "Stop!" He screamed, the man walked away then put ice cold water on him "Stand the fuck up!" He growled. "Stand up!" Semi groaned and stood up only to fall down, then continued to be kick until he started to puke. The man continued to put ice cold water on him "Touch the fence." Semi shook his head "Please..." The man kicked him again "Touch the fence." Semi stood up, his knees barely even letting him stand before he touched the fence. "7 seconds." The fence was electric "1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7." Semi let go and puked again "Pleas-" He then passed out. He rolled his eyes then yelled for someone to help him "He's sleeping outside today." They nodded then put cold water on his face. Which that woke him up "Huh? Ow!" His hands hurt a lot, "Fuck this hurts.." He groaned. "Stand up, Semi Eita." Semi stood up weakly, his knees hurting. Bruises almost everywhere on him, Semi wanted to cry but couldn't. "Please. Leave me alone.." The man stared down "You're weak, and you know what happens to the weak?" He got close to his face "Do you know what happens to the weak?!" He screamed, Semi shook his head "N-no I don't know what happens to the weak." The man laughed then became serious "They die. Alone. Miserable. And unhappy. Are you weak?! ARE YOU WEAK SEMI?" Semi shook his head "N-no.." He coughed ready to puke again but he didn't "I'm...not weak." The man laughed "Are you sure about that!!" Semi nodded "I'm not weak!" He yelled in his face, the man smiled then stood up "Good, you're dismissed." Semi was shaking, the pain was intense "..." He stared at others who were trembling and throwing up. He stood up like nothing happened but when he started to walk he limped and almost fell down "F-fuck.." He looked at the others "W-when are we getting food?" He asked a boy he was somewhat friends with "They said we're making our own food." Semi groaned "Damnit...I mean I know how to make food. Sorta." The boy named Akira smiled " are we going to get foo-" There was a loud yell "MAIL!!" A women started to pass around mail, and others yelled out named "Akira Yumeno!" He saw his friend run and grabbed mail. "Semi Eita!" He ran around and grabbed his letter, it had been a week since he had sent Shirabu the letter he quickly opened it and read it. His eyes brightened He misses me... He put the letter down and started to write back to him

I got your letter!! I miss you a lot too...I'm sorry that I couldn't see you at school, Kenjiro..I feel bad I didn't get to go to school with you. And I like that you're doing good, currently as I'm writing this I'm in pain I just finished doing something. But it's okay, don't worry it hurts...but I know how to hide it. Anyways I'm glad you responded, I hope my letter gets to you soon. Hey and could you tell Tendou that I'm okay? He must be maybe worried. But I hope to hear from you soon.

- Eita

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