Chapter 2: Bullying

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It was the next day after the things Kenjiro and Eita talked about. Kenjiro had come to school a bit scared and as usual, he spotted the group that would bully him constantly each day. He sighed and kept his head down and put his hood up Please don't notice me...please don't.. " the male lover trying to hide from us?" One guy picked him up by the hood being taller than him and all "Pfft you're so scrawny!" Another guy poked at him "Sad that nobody in this school even wants to talk to you, not even your volleyball teammates." Shirabu wiggled around "Please just let me go!" he tried kicking them, his eyes wandered over to the boy with blondish hair with gray tips, he gave him a look for help. Semi noticed and sighed then looked away continuing to walk. Shirabu's eyes widened, then gave up on trying to shoo these sons of bitches away. Then our copper-haired boy fell onto the ground along with the guy who was bullying him What the hell? People started to crowd him, he stared at the students taking out their phones and recording. But they weren't recording him...they were recording?- Is that...? SEMI! Kenjiro scrambled up seeing the boy fight with the ruthless boys, Semi was punching them and landed one punch into a guy's nose. Semi kept on punching him until the guy's face was bloodied. Shirabu noticed a red-haired boy pull Semi back, he looked up then noticed his other upperclassman Tendou Satori "SemiSemi, you've got some strength in you. Now now, use that for volleyball not fighting, c'mon let's hurry to class before your dumbass gets in trouble." Tendou smiled and patted Semi's head. The copper-haired boy blinked and stood up walking into the building. Once he was finally in class he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Why did he do that?... Did yesterday make him feel that bad for me? He sighed and waited as the class went by, once he heard the bell ring and the students rise and walk away he grabbed his bags and went outside of the class then looked up seeing Semi "OH! UH HEY!" Semi gave a small chuckle and put his hand out "Hey, sorry about earlier I just couldn't see them...Do that to you." Shirabu nodded and smiled "No problem. It's totally fine with me...maybe they'll finally leave me alone. Semi nodded "Hopefully they do." Kenjiro gave a small yawn before rubbing his eyes "Did you get enough sleep Shirabu?" The shorter male shook his head "Not really, fuck class is starting real soon. I'll talk to you later." Shirabu waved "Wait, can we meet up at the park nearby?" Semi asked him. Shirabu gave a blush and nodded "Course!"

Shirabu gave a small yawn, he walked around the school. He was tired but he finally got to his class, as usual, his teacher asked him questions and everything. Once class was done he kept on doing the same thing until school was over. Today there was no volleyball practice, he gave a small huff and went straight for the park, as he was walking towards the Sakura trees that led towards the park he felt a hand go on his back "Huh?!" He turned around to see Semi, he gave a small smile "You scared me..." Semi laughed a bit "Did I?" Kenjiro nodded "Sorry about that." He ruffled his hair, Shirabu growled "Don't touch my hair." He huffed. Semi looked embarrassed now, his face flustered "Ah my bad...sorry." Shirabu rolled his eyes before continuing to walk "...the trees are beautiful..." Semi had a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. Shirabu nodded "They are.." Eita looked up at the sky, smiling at the clouds "Mm you are so short-tempered in the volleyball club, why so gentle now?" His brown eyes wondered to the much shorter boy's gaze, the short boy grabbed Semi's scarf and pulled it down to his height which wasn't too far down "Semi, don't make me get in a bad mood." Semi nodded "Okay, okay." He continued walking.

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