Part 7 Feelings

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I woke up to my alarm just to realize we didn't have school today. I debated on staying in bed and getting some more sleep or staying up and working out, Maybe I could get to work out with shitty hair today.

Finally I got up and got in the shower. I put on some sweatpants and a black t-shirt then sat at my desk getting on my phone, I had a text from shitty hair.

" hey bro i had a lot of fun hanging out with you and talking, we should do it again sometime."

Dumbass... i texted a short response back only saying

" whatever, sure."

I waited for a while and didn't get a text back, he must still be asleep. I'm bored and i do have that homework to do, I don't really feel like sitting and doing it though.

I finally started doing my homework, I figured it would be better to have it done now in stead of having to do it later in class. When i was about half way done with the work i heard my phone go off, i looked over to my phone and saw a text from shitty hair.

" morning bro! "

Fucking idoit.

" morning shitty hair."

" got any plans for today?"


"Well i'm gonna be going out with my moms today, you can come along if you'd like?"

" sure."

I waited and instead of him texting me i heard a knock on my door, i let em in and there was shitty hair who looked shocked and overly happy.

" you'll really come?!"

"If you keep this shit up i'm not."

"Right sorry it's just i didn't expect you to say yes, i'm just really happy!"

He gave me a big toothy smile.

"Whatever, your a fucking dumbass."

He laughed a little and gave me a smaller smile that still had lots of energy in it, i felt like smiling myself for some reason. After a while of him rambling on about how happy he is and what were doing he went back to his room to get ready leaving me to get ready myself.

He said that we'd go get food and probably walk around the park and the pond there so just to dress casual, nothing to fancy was needed. I took a quick shower and put on my binder and put on a black part of ripped jeans with a baggy band T-shirt. i grabbed my jacket and stood outside my room waiting for shitty hair and after i got tired of waiting I went and knocked on his door.

" come in!"

I walked in and took a look around his room, he had some posters of red riot and a punching bag that looked pretty beat up. There were some hand weights and papers all over his desk, probably more homework I'll have to help him with later. As i was looking around he came out of the bathroom shirtless still spiking his hair up. He also had on these weird sleeve things that covered his arms which only made me look at his chest more.

" hey bro sorry it's taking so long, can you hand me that shirt behind you?"

He started whipping his hands off as I grabbed and handed him the red and black tie dyed shirt, he smiled and thanked me then walked back into the bathroom. I tried to ignore me seeing him shirtless, I gotta admit he has a nice ass body. I felt my cheeks burn as I walked back to the door, I got on my phone and waited for him to get done.

I heard a few things fall and then kirishima run out of the bathroom ready to go and freaking out.

" come on we gotta go! I didn't realize they were already sitting outside for us!"

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