Getting closer

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Me and kirishima have been on two dates now, since i didn't mind the first one he pushed that we should go on another. I wasn't sure what i was feeling still, i mean i know it's not a bad feeling. I feel happy around him, more relaxed. He didn't push me too much to try and talk about my feelings, but even if he did or I tried to explain them I wouldn't be able to. The feeling I get around him is so nice, I want it more and more every time we hang out.

It felt weird knowing how much he knows, he could easily tell the whole call and make jokes about it. He hasn't thought, I don't think he will either. I notice him backing me up sometimes, like when one of his dumbass friends ask why I change in a different room before them, or when someone asks what we were doing out together almost all day. It's comforting seeing him keep it to himself but also nerve wracking knowing how easily he could tell everyone.

Kiri knocking on my door pushed me out of my thoughts and back to what was happening around me. I let him in and we sat down on my bed. He had some of his homework in hand and laid it out in front of us.

¨ Thanks again for helping me study!¨

¨yeah whatever lets just hurry up and get this over with.¨

Finally after two hours all the work was done and i think he finally understood the work but who knows honestly, he isnt that dumb he just takes a bit longer in stuff like this compared to others. He thanked me again pulling me into a hug, before I could even react he quickly pulled away.

¨sorry sorry i should've asked.¨

This dumbass has kissed me by a pond with no warning and now he's worried about asking first? For a hug really? I stared at him for a second. I don't know why but I didn't stop myself. I pulled him close and kissed him.

¨stop being so fucking weird shitty hair.¨

He blushed slightly with a smile. I think I finally know what I'm feeling, it's different and I have no idea how to deal with it or how to actually move forward with it but I think I know what it is.

¨if you say so blasty.¨

He got his papers back together while I tried to keep myself from blushing while thinking on the feeling, relieving the thought and feeling.

"So have you come to any decision on your feelings or was that just to get me to shut up?"

"I know what i'm feeling now but i'm not gonna tell you just yet. For now though, kirishima do you wanna be my boyfriend?"
His eyes lit up as he basically shouted yes. He pulled me into a hug and this time didn't pull back so I hugged him back and we stayed that way for a minute. I've never really liked being hugged or touched at all really but it's different with him, i know i can trust him.

Once we finally pulled away we sat and talked about another place to go for a third date, he smiled the entire time. After agreeing on the plans we decided we'd go out tomorrow since it was the weekend and we just wanted to chill inside today. We're gonna go to a nice little shop down the road, it's new so i have no idea if i'll like it but as long as he's there i'll try it out i guess. I don't really like trying new things, I always thought it was a waste of time but seeing him this happy over the idea of going there for the first time makes me wanna go and try it and everything else new there is.

We stayed up late talking or going back over the homework. I was starting to get tired but I didn't want to ruin the moment. I guess I was showing how tired I was on accident.

" It's getting late and you look tired, can I leave if you want?"

" Mm, I don't want you to leave though."

He looked a little shocked, I've never been good and I keep myself together when I'm tired. I just said more normal i guess or less violent.

" I get that you really should sleep."

" Can you stay over tonight?"

" like a sleepover?"

" yeah i guess so."

" alright i'll go change into some night clothes then i'll come back in here."

He came back and sat back on the bed a little awkwardly.

" I'll sleep on the floor, do you have an extra blanket?"

" fuck no."

I pulled him onto the bed beside me and laid down, him soon doing the same. I started to doze off after a second and before I did i felt him pull me closer and hug me.

" goodnight bakugo."

I smiled a little and soon fell asleep in his arms.

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