The date

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  I woke up a few times throughout the night which wasn't unusual for me but I did get paranoid I'd wake up kirishima, who seemed to sleep pretty heavy throughout the whole night even with me moving around. The first two times I woke up I had forgotten he stayed over and I would jump a little realizing he was beside me. Eventually I had gotten comfortable with everything, even with not having on my binder, each time I'd wake up I'd just move more into where he was. I figured I'd wake up before him so I could just put on my binder before he'd have the opportunity to notice anything.

  When I woke up and looked at the time I decided I should go ahead and put on my binder just incase, which wouldn't been simple if kirishima had wrapped his arms around me at some point. He was holding me by the waist close to him still clearly asleep and even though he seems to be a heavy sleeper I don't want to accidentally wake him up by trying to get out of his arms, I didn't really wanna move.

  The beds warm with him here, everything's comfortable. My back was to his chest so I wasn't really worried about not having my binder on, it's not like he doesn't know about it but I'd prefer that to stay on till I get more comfortable with everything on that topic. I thought about getting up, how I could move to to disturb him sleeping the least, but before I could figure that out or even try to get up I fall back asleep once again.

  Waking up again i looked over and saw kirishima wasn't there. I sat up confused and a little sad until I saw him walk out of the bathroom and smile at me. I smiled back and remembered my binder wasn't on so I pulled the covers up to cover myself.

"I can step out for a minute if you wanna get yourself situated ya know"

  I nodded a bit and he went out my room closing the door. I put on my binder and my shirt back on over it, i hate having to do this all the time. Why can't I just have the body I want to be in.

  Before I could stay stuck in my head to long I remembered how kirishimas outside waiting to be let back in, I called him back in and he went back to the bed as if nothing happened. I sat down beside where he was laying and looked down at the bed.


"It's fine Bakugo I understand."

  I still felt bad, I didn't want to just keep repeating sorry though.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Probably like three minutes before you, did I wake you up?"

  I shook my head.

"Ok good. Well we have about two hours before that new shop opens up so what should we do in the meantime?"

"I don't know"

  I laid on my side beside him, he smiled at me and I could feel my face heat up a little.

"Your a pretty clingy sleeper, wake up with you holding onto me."

  His face went a little red and I laughed a little.

"It's fine I didn't mind it"

"Well I'm glad it didn't make you uncomfortable, sorry if it woke you up though."

"It didn't I just randomly woke up, I normally don't stay asleep the whole night unlike you."

"Oh, that must suck."

"It's fine, it was easy to fall back asleep with you here."

"I'm glad."

  He smiled again and we ended up talking the whole time. we realized it was time to get ready to go out and kirishima went back to his room to get dressed.

  We met back up outside the school and started walking down to the shops. Kirishima reached for my hand and I held onto his.

  I was use to getting strange stares here and there for how I acted or when I first started changing how I looked but I wasn't use to the ones we were getting here and there on the street. I looked to kirishima for a second and it looked like he hadn't even noticed it, he had a small smile and didn't seem fazed by the others if he had even noticed them in the first place.

  Since he didn't seem bothered I tried to distract myself from it. Finally we got to the small shop that was between a small store and another shop. There wasn't many people here which I was thankful for. I let go of kirishima's hand and he went up to the desk, not long after we were put at a booth class to the back.

The place was nice, it had cool lighting and a small town type style. I looked at kirishima and said,

"This place is nice."

"Cozy too, I'm glad you agreed to coming here with me."

"Yeah me too, the walk here wasn't the best though."

"It wasn't that long a walk."

"No not that, like the looks we got and stuff. Did you not see it?"

He stayed quiet for a second. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

"Yeah I saw. I'm use that kinda stuff though, could've been worse."

"Doesn't it bother you sometimes though?"

"Not exactly. I mean I really have gotten use to it, a kid back in middle school told everyone how I was gay and ya know kids are jerks."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, if they have enough time to go out of their way to hate on something that's none of their business then well sounds like a pretty sad way of living."

"Yeah true, still sucks you had to deal with that though."

He did a small shrug and then a waitress brought us our menus. I looked over it while looking at kirishima time to time, I wonder what all he's had to deal with. He always has energy or can at least stay smiling the whole day but there's no way he doesn't get tried from all of it, right?

I picked something at random since I hadn't tried basically anything here and kirishima insisted we try something we haven't even if they had food we've ate before.

We got our food, tried some of each other's food and talked. It was nice and relaxed, the atmosphere this place tries to give definitely helps. We got done eating and continued to sit there and talk eventually realizing it was getting late and we needed to get back to our dorms.

We walked back again holding hands. I kinda got lost in thought as we were walking, thinking about everything kirishima said, thinking about my own experiences on it.

I remember when i first met him and wondering why he smiled like an idiot all the time. It was hard to see him as a person with any problems in life, how could someone be so happy all the time. The more we're around each other the more I realize and the more I want to know.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by kirishima letting go of my hand as we walk inside the school way to get to our dorms. This time he stays in his room and I stay in mine, the bed feels a lot colder then I remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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