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April brings three things: a letter from Denver, a letter from Hong Kong, and an overwhelming fear of the future.

I do what I usuaully do when faced with a situation like this, avoid it. So I'm engrossed in a Witch Weekly magazine. It's the spring edition so it's filled with flowers, blooming romances, and a ten step guide to cleansing one's soul.

Amir is sitting with me in the Hufflepuff common room. He's trying to do his charms homework which he has no clue on how to do. The love of his life Caroline, a Slytherin who's apparently the smartest girl in his year, is in the class. So, he devotes all his time to sneaking glances at her and trying to start conversations that ever really work out. But all of his time devoted to Caroline have made him not listen a single lesson in the last month.

"Oh no," he says in agony, as he gets another question wrong. "My life is over. I'm ready. God, take me up now."

He's become very dramatic because he bases the entirety of his life on whether he can pass this class and impress Caroline.

Then he suddenly perks up, "You know what would make me feel better?"

"Humour me."

"If you'd just open up those letters," he says, then reaches out towards my bag.

I move it my side, far away from Amir. "No, we're letting these marinate with my anxiety."

Then he's jumping on me and it's every single childhood memory flashing in front of me. We're wrestling for the letter and we might be the same height, but he's fast and easily takes the letters out of the bag and goes to the other side of the couch to sheild himself from any potential wrath.

The rip of the paper is deafening.

The silence stretches over us and I'm sinking into the floor, preparing and praying because this is the beginning of everything, right?

Amir finally speaks, "Hong Kong says no, but the encourage you to try again next year," he tells me, then opents the next envelope. This time he tells me the outcome faster, realising that ripping the bandaid is worse when it's slow. "Denver says no too."


He moves back to sit beside me and I take the letters from him, stuffing them deep in my bag where they'll never see the light again.

It's not a big deal. Rejection is totally normal and there's so many more school I've applied to, I could honestly care less. I'm not the type of person to cry because a school rejected me because that is so stupid and I'm not upset. Sooooo not upset.

I turn back to my magazine and look at the question I was on for the "What colour should you add into your wardrobe?" quiz.

Choose a muggle queen:

A) Catherine the Great

B) Cleopatra

C) Marie Antoinette

D) Queen Elizabeth I

My undying loyalty for Marie Antoinette makes the question a no brainer, of course I'm choosing the last queen of France.

"Three summers ago, we went my cousins wedding and I got the job of making sure the shoes weren't stolen," Amir starts, not even trying to do his charms homework anymore. "I was doing really good too, then sadly, I saw a pani puri stand. So I went to stand at the line, shoes tightly in my arms." He explains the small balls called puri's which have flavoured water and potatos in them. Then, he starts to talk about his demise. "It was my return and someone beside me said they'd hold my shoes while I got a plate, and I didn't even question it."

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