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James floos in twenty minutes before I told him to.

He sits on Rachel's bed as I try and pick out a suitable outfit. I had picked one out last night, but then I put it on and realized I absolutely hated it. While I go through it, I realise how I really need to go buy some new clothes. The only tops I own are either long sleeves with stripes (there's one solid black and one solid white), or a band t-shirt.

I finally realise I don't have any nice clothes.

"You'll look nice no matter what you wear," he says, letting out a sigh. "If they've known you since you were a baby, they probably don't expect too much either."

"I know," I say. My hands finally rest on a red cashmere sweater, I didn't even know I owned it until this moment. It sort of matches what James was wearing, so I decide this is good enough. "I just haven't seen them in a while."

He gives her a small smile. "Tell me what they're like, then."

There's not enough words to describe them properly, or at least, my vocabulary lacks the words. Since I was little I've loved them both, they were always the coolest and most fun adults I knew. Sure my parents were awesome, but there was this different aura about a couple the same age but with no kids.

"Uncle Winstons my godfather," I start, going through my jewelry box. "He's a lawyer, a really good one too. My father planned on being one too, that's how they met, but my dad decided to just study more and more history instead. Winston is the life of the party, he's always smiling and laughing. Whenever I was sad, we'd just talk and talk, then suddenly I'd be laughing because he's like this happiness magnet."

I'm about to put on a locket that I'd gotten for some birthday when James stands up. He's fumbling through his pockets, then he suddenly takes a small box out. "It's your Christmas present," he tells me, opening it up, to show a sparkling star on a thin silver chain.

It's the prettiest thing I've ever seen. It's almost as if he actually caught some star because it shines like a real one. "I can't take this," I say, pushing it away. "This is far too nice, I don't even need a present--"

"Christmas is about giving to people," he says, "and, I wanted to give this to you."

"You're too nice."

"You deserve nice."

Those words are locked in my heart forever because it makes me unmeasurably happy.

So I stop my protests, taking the necklace out of its case. I put it on and it feels like it fits perfectly, not too long or too short. Not too heavy or anything. It's like that story about the bears, it's just right.

I haven't gone shopping yet, but I make mental note, get James the best Christmas present ever.

He turns around while I change into the cashmere sweater and some jeans, so I tell him about Aunt Sally. "She's gorgeous, I always thought she looked like some princess when I was little. She's a teacher, absolutely loves kids. Sally also has the best stories, she's lived the most interesting life ever, she's like traveled everywhere, known everyone, had all these epic love stories." I touch the necklace, for a second it feels like I'm wishing on a star. "I think that's my goal in life, to live as much as she has."

James is still for the longest time.

When I finally sit down beside him, he turns to me and says, "That's what I want to be like one day too. I want to be filled with so many stories because I've lived life, not just existed through it."

"Lina," Aunt Sally yells, running over to engulf me in this bone-crushing hug. "You look so nice, I love the hair," she's running a hand through it, trying to fix up the mess it's become from the wind outside. "Makes you look so grown up."

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