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After spending an entire day, wondering if me and James are truly on the level of friendship where I can go visit him, I decide to do it. My worry for him winning out my pride. (And Rachel and Siobhan yelling at me.)

("Merlin," Rachel mumbles, taking a large bite of her pie, "if you don't visit him already."

We were sitting at the dinner table. Me pretending not to care very much yesterday had morphed into some James obsessed monster, that could not stop talking about it, even if I tried to shut up and think about something else.

"We'll beat you up," Siobhan says, getting a nod of approval from Rachel.

I roll my eyes, but I can't help but agree with them slightly. "Do you think it's too late now?"

"If you don't shut your trap, then maybe.")

I see him laying on a bed. Staring at the ceiling. He's paler than usual and from the demeanor of his body, I can tell he's tired. James doesn't notice me, so I keep walking until I'm finally in front of his bed. His eyes lighting up a little at the sight of me, or perhaps he's just excited someone here to keep him not bored.

"Are you okay," I ask dumbly.

He gives me a goofy smile back. "Not at all."

My legs move towards him and I choose to sit in the chair beside his bed.

Sometimes when I'm with James it feels like I'm some planet. A planet that orbits the sun that is James. It feels like I'm just another person in this school who is fascinated by him. Yet, again and again, I feel less like a planet orbiting him and rather someone with him on his otherworldly planet.

A he turns to his side and stares at me intently as if asking some silent question, one which I don't have a clue what it is.

"Who's came to visit," I ask, playing with the hem of my skirt, feeling nervous for some reason.

He makes an mhm sound, thinking. "The boys came," he starts listing names, "Dorcas and Marlene came for a bit in the morning with some other girls, then the boys came back, uh, a professor or two, and the boys came back once again. Oh, and Lily left right before you arrived."


I feel butted out of his planet and back to someone orbiting him. Her name makes me slump the tiniest bit, but I don't know why. Lily and James. James and Lily. It's like Romeo and Juliet or tea on a cold winter day. It's something written in the stars, meant to be, really.

Yet for some reason, I like to forget about it whenever I'm with him.

I cross my hands. "That's nice."

A part of me starts building up a wall, a part of me is upset, a little angry, but there's this huge part that is terribly confused why I'm acting like this.

"Ya," he says, then his voice becomes a little quieter, "but I'm happy you're here now. Thought you forgot about me if I'm gonna be honest."

I can't help but roll my eyes, trying to hide the fact I feel my face getting red. "I don't think anyone could forget you, your the least forgettable person I know."

"You meant that?"

"Of course, Potter, do I ever say things I don't mean?"

Laughter tumbles out his throat, raspy and loud. His hazel eyes look at me and suddenly widen the slightest. His hand reaches out towards me and touches a strand of my hair, "You cut your hair."


"You didn't even tell me," he exclaims, feigning hurt, by putting a hand over his heart, or where he thinks it is.

I lean into him and move his hand. "Wrong side. Also, it was a very spontaneous decision," I say, pretending to console him, a little laughter tumbling out of me anyway. "You know that if it was planned, you'd be the first person I would tell."

He smiles at me. A tired smile, but such a wonderful smile none the less. "Sometimes, Pierce, I feel like--"


We both jump at the voice.

Sirius Black walks in and almost dives into the bed, he starts to feel James's forehead and ruffle his pillows and then there's loud laughter between them. He finally pauses after a few moments and looks up at me, and gives me a knowing smile of sorts (though, I haven't spoken to him much since we were thirteen and partners for potions).

He leans into James and whispers something, and James seems to melt into his blanket, then he turns his attention back to me. "You must be Angelina."

"I must," I say, feeling out of place.

Sirius has these pretty grey eyes that I've been told are very easy to get lost in, but at this moment I'm not the slightest bit lost in them. It's a bit disappointing. Actually very disappointing. But I don't voice that thought out loud.

James clears his throat, "You should go back now."

"Oh," I mumble, "yeah, I probably should."

"I meant Sirius," he scrambles, flushing a deep reddish color. "You can stay as long as you'd like."

Awkwardness fills the air. I stand up, even though I've realized he meant the words for Sirius. "No, I think I should. Getting a bit late anyway."

"If that's what you want."

I nod, then give a quick wave before heading back to my dorms. But before I leave, I hear Sirius's voice say, "Oh, Angelina, you can stay as long as you'd like." Then he lets out a sort of yell as if he'd been hit by something.

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