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I spend Valentine's Day filling out applications for Healer School. 

Are you interested in specializations? 

Now, that's the thing, I'm sort of fascinated by everything a little. General Healing seems really cool, Rachel's dad always talks about the variety of procedures he's able to do and see. Then there's Sports Medicine, I used to always fantasize about working with some famous quidditch team then eventually falling in love with the chaser or something. The only one I sort of steer clear from is cardiology because that's Rachel's thing, I'd never take it away from her.

So, I write them all down and close my eyes and stop my finger on a random one to write about. Pediatrics is the one fate chooses and I start writing.

The strange thing is, the more i write, the more I can actually see myself doing it. A part of my starts believing the words I'm putting down, how I've always loved being around children and the fact the youth is truly our future so we gotta keep them in the best shape we can.

The libraries as quiet as you'd expect it to be on a day where everybody's professing their love or being sad and lonely. I'm one of the few people who'd chosen not to go to Hogsmeade on the most romantic day of the year. Rachel and Regulus are currently perusing bookshops and have lunch together, Siobhan could honestly care less about the holiday and was shopping for more records because she wants to hear something new, and James . . .

Of all the people he could've gone on a date with, it had to be her.

("Angelina," she rolls her eyes. "Eddie and I went on a date in March, I'm sure he's not gonna go for you now. It's like left overs basically because I told him I didn't want another date, so he's going for my friend."

I nod, like I totally understand the fact a boy would only go for me if they couldn't have her. "Yeah, you're right."

Sonya smiles. "See, it's totally okay. You're too quiet for him anyway," she says, then takes the magazine out of my hands and starts reading it. "He likes confidence and excitement, you sorta lack that, Chameleon."

I'm shrinking into my pillows, wishing I could dissapear like my nickname.)

It makes me sad for a moment because nobody in the world can make me feel as small as she does, and, if she and James start dating. I know that I'll need to distance myself from him a little because I can't go back to being small again. I think I'd die a little.

Anne of the Island has been discarded because, gosh, I just want some fancy revelation that makes the earth shatter and all that mumbo jumbo. 

Like many young girls (and boys too), Anne of Green Gables was one of my favourite books when I was younger. I could probably even say it was the reason I enjoyed reading because it showed me all the good things reading gave to you. Now, I'm terrible at explaining and that must not make any sense but if you like reading you know what I mean. There's always that one book you read that awoke whatever book lover is inside of you.

I've always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island and for a moment, just a moment, pretend to be Anne. To sit on some grassy hill or look at the ocean because no matter how long ago that book was written, it's the same land.

"Friends! Your friendship can't satisfy me, Anne. I want your love – and you tell me I can never have that."

"I'm sorry. Forgive me, Gilbert," was all Anne could say. Where, oh, where were all the gracious and graceful speeches where with, in imagination, she had been won't to dismiss rejected suitors?

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