Over due

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I turn around and my eyes instantly lock onto his. As always he looked unbelievably handsome, his hair was well groomed and he was dressed in black suit pants with a navy blue fitted knitted jumper.

"Ivy!" Ana shouted as she ran up to him.

"Hello beautiful" he greeted

"How are you Ivan?" Hunter stood up and pulled his son into a hug.

"Dad" Ivan responded

"Oh Ivan I'm so happy you're back" Rose also pulled him into a hug after kissing him on the cheek.

Ivan looked over to Hunter who gave him a simple nod in agreement.

"Come on girls let's see if we can find those Christmas hats" Hunter said as he led Rose and Ana out the room, leaving us alone.

Ivan's full attention was focused back onto me.

"Hello Rogue" he looked nervous, like he was unsure of how I was going to act.

"You look beautiful" he complimented

I was too overwhelmed to say anything so I just stood there in silence.

"Did you get my present?" He asks. Instead of a response I just lightly not my head.

This is not how I imagined things would go down, I wanted to run and jump on him like some insane animal but there was a small part of me that was cautious to how he would react.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you gonna come over here?" He asked

I couldn't fight the cheesy grin that what plastered on my face.

He sighed and rolled his eyes before holding out his arms in front of him.

An unexpected wave of excitement rushed threw me, a child like squeal left my lips as I rushed into Ivan's embrace. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms were around my waist.

Without a second to waste I pulled Ivan's face down to mine and forced my lips to his.

I could feel that our connection was stronger than ever between us, the agonising wait to see him was all worth it.

I was hesitant to pull away but the need for breath had caused me to disconnect our lips.

"I thought you weren't going to show up"

"What! And miss Christmas are you crazy!" He replied in the most sarcastic way possible. The sarcasm had caused me to stare blankly at him, earning a smile from ivan.

"Rolo look what we have, Santa hats" she giggled as she ran into the room.

I tried to move from Ivan's grip but he wasn't budging, I put my hands on his chest and pushed a little harder.

"Ivan let go"

"No" he blankly replies

"Get off me" I demand


"Because Ana's watching us"

"So, she doesn't know what's going on"

"She six ivan" I state. We continue to stare at each other until ivan gives up and releases me. I take the hats from Ana's grip and place one on my head and the other on Ivan's.

He rolled his eyes before snatching the hat from his head and tossing in to the side.

Christmas dinner was served a few hours later, we all sat around the table, we all talked and laughed as we ate the delicious food.

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