The one with the box

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 I go to the bathroom and clean out the cupboards and drawers. I find a small pink box and go find Lupin

"Hey Lupin, Did Lily ever say anything about being pregnant before she died?" I ask

"No, I don't think so, Why?" He asks in response

I hold a box and he looks at me confused

"The side of the box says 'Christmas present for James'. I'm pretty sure she was expecting" I say sadly taking the box and putting it in a box for the attic.

We decided to keep things we thought Harry would want one day and throw everything else.

"Alright, I think we've done enough for today, we'll be back tomorrow" Lupin says plopping down on the couch in the living room.

I started a fire earlier so we could burn old papers and stuff. I throw in the last papers and watch as the fire dies slowly.

"Do you think Harry will like it here?" I ask looking around.

"I think he will, He might need a little time at first but he'll like it here" Tonks says

I go down to the basement and turn the power off before going back to the others. We say our goodbyes and we leave. Fred drives us back to the burrow and I don't say anything until he asks me what's wrong.

"I'm just worried Harry won't like it. I had to make a lot of promises to the Ministry just for them to even consider this. Your Dad and I filled out four hundred and fifty papers just so I could go to Gringots to fill out more and get the keys. We still have to change the sheets in all the rooms and clean the basement, kitchen and the attic" I say stressing out

Fred puts his hand on my knee and I relax a little.

"We'll get it done, don't worry. George, Angelina, Ginny and Hermione all said they'd help so it'll get done" he says driving carefully

I nod and hold his hand the entire way back. We go in and Molly looks at me worried

"What happened to your face?" She asks 

"There's nothing wrong with my face, I'm just fine" I answer as Harry and Ron come downstairs with George and Angelina

"You're bleeding Lissy, Just under your right eye" Hermione says

I go into the bathroom and look at my eye, Ginny comes in and helps me clean it up.

"So what happened?" She asks

"I must have cut myself when I dropped a box going into the attic" I say waiting for it to dry

My cut dries and it really doesn't look that bad. Molly was just worried because of all the blood.

We all sit in the living room by the fire and talk about tomorrow.

"Well be leaving to get a tree after lunch, so you girls can help Lissabeth finish up" Molly says winking at me as Harry and ron in the kitchen

Everyone looks at waiting to explain.

"We have to change the sheets in all the rooms and clean the basement, kitchen and the attic" I say

"George and I can do the kitchen" Angelina says

"Fred and I can do the rooms" Ginny say

"And I'll do the attic while Tonks and Lupin do the basement" I say as Harry and Ron walk back in with biscuits.

"What are we doing?" Ron asks with a mouthful of biscuit

Hermione and I laugh as he sits down with Harry right beside him

"Tomorrow morning Fred, George, Angelina, Ginny and I are going to hopefully finish Harry's christmas present. So you, Harry and Mione can hang out here" I say

Hermione nods smiling and Molly gets up to make dinner when someone knocks on the door to the burrow.

"I'll get it" I say walking to the door

I open the door and see Cedric Diggory standing there with a large tin.

"Hey Cedric, What are you doing here?" I ask

"I wanted to talk to you" He says

"Um okay, what's up?" I ask stepping outside and closing the door

"I wanted to ask you about something" He answers

"Go ahead" I say

"I wanted to ask about that time before your first quidditch match, we ran into each other walking out of the Great Hall and the look on your face was like you saw something that nobody else could, What did you see?" He asks

"I don't remember. I do remember you saving me from falling on my face though" I answer lying

"I can tell your lying" He says seriously

"How?" I ask nervously

"Your hair turns this shade of green. So tell me what you saw" He answers

"I'm sorry Cedric but I can't tell you, If I did your dad would send me azkaban" I say

He nods as if understanding. He holds out the tin and smiles

"If I don't see you before then, Go luck at the quidditch match from one seeker to another" Cedric says

"Same to you and all of hufflepuff. Merry christmas, Ced" I say before he walks away

I watch him walk away before going inside and setting the tin on the kitchen table

"What's that dearie?" Molly asks

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