The one with the Talk

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I laugh and put the letter back in the envelope before sliding it into my book. I look up at Fred and George and they are both staring at me. Fred whispers something to George before going red in the cheeks. I just shake my head and smile.

"I have to go talk to Lupin, I'll see you in a bit" I say before giving Malfoy a kiss on the cheek.

I run towards the door and crash into Cedric Diggory. He grabs my hand and saves me from losing my balance.

"Sorry Cedric" I say, stepping to the side to let him pass.

He smiles at me before walking away. I watch him walk away thinking about the Triwizard tournament next year. I see a flash of him dying and close my eyes shaking my head. I open my eyes and walk out. I run past people in the hall to get to the dark arts room faster. I run across the bridge and stumble into the Defense against the darks arts room. I fall and land on my face. Literally, I landed on my face so hard I bit into my lip. I spit the blood in the sink in the corner before walking over to Lupin, who's sitting on a desk laughing at me.

"You're just like Tonks" He says, handing me a tissue for my mouth.

"What happened with you and Sirius?" I ask as he walks around the room slowly

"We made up. Harry's escape plan worked" Lupin answers.

"Did he say anything about me?" I ask hopeful

"He wanted me to tell you, he's very proud of you and what you're doing. He didn't explain very much but he did say he would send you a letter when he got settled" Lupin says pushing a giant cabinet into the middle of the room

"Do you want some help?" I ask standing up.

He nods struggling to push the cabinet. I take off my robes and throw them on the desk as I walk over to help him.

"I got a letter from Tonks. You went to see Andromeda?" I ask in disbelief as I push.

Lupin stops pushing and I keep pushing.It's a lot easier for me so I just push it by myself.

"We did. She seems nice" Lupin says

"Of course she does. She always seems nice until she's screaming in your face telling you how pathetically worthless you are" I say walking to my seat

Lupin looks at me in disbelief

"Does she really tell you that?" He asks concerned

I nod my head and slam my hands down on the table. I look at Lupin and he looks worried.

"I was in the Slytherin common room last night before I went to see Fred. As I was walking out I heard a few people talking about me they said that I was really the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange. And I want to know the truth Because I did some digging into the Potter murders and I looked at everything. Birth certificates, Hospital visits, everything. There is no evidence of me being the daughter of Lily and James Potter. I looked my name up using three last names. Potter, Lestrange and Black. I found nothing with Potter or Lestrange but Black, It made sense. Why Harry and I got separated, Why I Know nothing about myself or My childhood. It all makes sense. Lupin, you were best friends with James Potter and Sirius, So I want to know the truth from you, Because Sirius will never tell me and I don't want to be alone in a room with Andromeda so I need you to tell me. Tell me who I really am" I say

Lupin shakes his head in disbelief.

"Sirius and Andromeda made a promise to tell you when you turned sixteen but I have a feeling we won't make it that long, you'd find out on your own. Elissabeth, when you were born it was a shock to everyone. You were born in Azkaban before Bellatrix lost what little sanity she had left. You were a year old when Harry was born and the plan was for you to grow up with the Potters as your adopted parents. Sirius isn't your cousin, he's your uncle and you're not related to Harry. Sirius would have taken you in as his own but he was sent to Azkaban, leaving you to live with Andromeda" Lupin says

"So let me get this straight, I'm not related to Harry and Bellatrix is my Mother, Which means Draco Malfoy is my cousin. I've kissed my cousin?" I say confused

Lupin Nods his head and points behind me. I turn around to see Malfoy standing there with his jaw dropped.

"When were you going to tell me That?" I ask Lupin

"When you were sixteen" Lupin says

"Do you know how much further things could have gone if we didn't know?" Malfoy asks for me

"It's a good thing people talk, isn't it?" Lupin says as the bell rings.

Malfoy sits down next to me and We talk about this. We decided that we'll tell people we broke it off because we fight so much and it messes with my health and we will continue with my plan to be the spy for Hogwarts. Lupin listens to our entire conversation and he smiles. 

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