The one with the team Welcome

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Malfoy and I look at Pansey and I laugh. Pansy gives me a dirty look and I point my wand at her lazily

"Don't forget I know how to turn you into a rat, Parkinson" I tell her

She scowls at me before getting up and walking away. I pull out my book, Care of magical creatures for Hagrid's class. I stroke the side of the book and it unlocks. I look up and see most of the Slytherin table looking at me.

"What?" I ask

"How'd you do that?" Goyle asks looking from me to his book

I show everyone how to do it but nobody listens and their books bite them. I smile to myself as I watch Malfoy try to open his, he gets after a second try he smiles at me and I keep reading my book. We get up and leave for our next class. I still haven't heard from or seen Harry in a while and I'm starting to get worried.

"He's fine" someone says behind me

I turn around and see Fred and George. Fred holds up a small box and I try to grab it from him but he moves out of the way.

"Stupify" I say pointing my wand at him

Fred freezes up and George looks at me with his hands in the air in self defence and backs up slowly

"I'll take the box now Fred" I say holding out my hand smiling

"Sorry Freddie, I don't know the countercurse" George says looking at me pleadingly

"Rennervate" I say pointing my wand at Fred

Fred steps forward slowly and hands me the box.

"What is this?" I ask opening the box

Inside the little box is a necklace. It's a crescent moon necklace with real marble on the inside. I look at the back and see a message 'My Love, Fred Weasley'.

"Fred it's lovely, thank you" I say as Fred puts my necklace on for me "I love it. I have to go but I'll see you soon" I say before running to catch up with Malfoy and the others.

We walk into charms class and Professor Flitwick looks at me and smiles

"Ms Potter, Homework please" He says

I hand in my homework and listen to the lesson. When he finishes he lets everyone work on their homework.

"If you'd like Miss Potter you can go back to your domortory and settle in" Flitwick says

I pack up my books and walk down to the Slytherin dormitory in the dungeon. I walk in and see a piano in the corner by the fireplace. I sit down and play a few notes before playing one of my favorite songs from the muggle world called 'Wake up'

I play it slowly and listen to the way the keys move with the change of notes.

"You play beautifully"

I turn around and see Maloy, Cassius Warrington and Marcus Flint behind him.

"I'm sorry I didn't know anyone else was in here. I was leaving anyway" I say closing the keyboard cover and standing up.

"No stay, you're really good. Anyways, I brought Marcus and Cassius to tell you about tomorrow's game. You'll be replacing me as Seeker" Malfoy says

"And you're okay with that?" I ask

"I'd rather have my girlfriend replace me than Crabbe or Goyle" Malfoy says, sitting down next to me at the piano. 

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