The one with Christmas

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On christmas morning everyone got up and sat in front of the tree. Molly handed out presents and as soon as I opened my sweater I put it on. We all took turns opening our presents. The house was Harry's last present and he was next. I watched Ginny open up the amortentia I bought her and she smelled it before looking at me blushing.

"Harry your turn darling" Molly says

I get up and hand Harry the small box. Harry looks at me confused before he opens it. He holds up the key ring and inspects the golden snitch charm.

"What are these for?" He asks

"Your house. I thought maybe instead of being tormented by the Dursleys every summer, you'd want a place of your own. Mister Weasley and I had to do a lot of convincing at the ministry but we got all the proper papers filled out and everyone helped clean the house up. I took the liberty of putting a barrier around the house for you" I answer

"What house?" He asks

"Your parents' house in Godric's Hollow" I answered.

Harry gets up and gives me a hug and says thank you.

"Merry Christmas Harry" I tell him

"Merry Christmas Libby" He says back

Merry Whatever Holiday you celebrate! Hope you have a fun and safe holiday weekend. As always leave a comment and tell me what you think! - Little Padfoot

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