The one where she let's go(⚠T.W⚠)

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"Pottah" Malfoy shouts from across the great hall

Harry and I both turn around to look at him.

"The girl" He adds

I smile and walk towards him and Pansy

"Training for the Ballet, Malfoy" I say remembering something he once shouted at Harry

He smiles before looking towards the crowd of people around us.

"Weaslebee's looking for you, I believe his pouting with Harry and his date"

I thank him before going to sit next to Ron and Harry.

"What's your problem Ronald?" I ask trying to sound like Hermione

Ron rolls his eyes and I look at Harry for an explanation. Hermione comes and sits down next to me.

"Your having fun I see" I say

"Viktor's getting drinks would you like to join us?" She asks

"No we would not like to join you and Viktor" Ron answers sassily

I look at him in surprise and then Hermione. She looks just as surprised as I am before she walks away.

"Alright listen here Ron, You could have asked her months ago. But you didn't and that's on you but don't sit here and ruin my night because you didn't see what was right in front of you" I say Frustrated.

Harry and Ron look at eachother and roll their eyes.

"I'm going to bed" Ron says getting up and walking out the door and running into Hermione.

I get up and follow with Harry close behind me and we listen to their fight.

"You know the solution then don't you?" Hermione asks. "Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage to ask me before someone else does. And not as a last resort" She finishes fighting the tears that wanted to fall.

"That's, I mean, That's completely off the point" he says flustered.

I push Harry out in front of me and He stumbles but looks back at me.

"Harry" Ron says nervously

Hermione turned around to face him and I think he made it worse

"Where have you been? Never mind off to bed both of you" she yelled at them

"they get scary as they get older" Ron mumbles to Harry

"Ron you spoiled everything" she yelled before sitting on the stairs.

I stand there and wait for her to calm down a little.

"I'm going to sit down now, please don't yell at me" I tell her

She laughs and I sit down next to her on the steps.

"You know you still Have a date, who's looking for you. You should go to him and forget about Ron" I say

"I've always liked him, but I don't think he sees it" She responds

"I know. Like I said, forget about Ron at least for tonight. Go party with Viktor and have fun" I tell her

She smiles and stands up, before walking down the stairs to go join Viktor by the entrance. I watch them go in, leaving me by myself. I don't know why Ron acting the way he did hurt me so much but I started crying and everyone who walked past pretended not to notice. I tried to regain my composure but it didn't work and I cried harder.

"Hey" a soft voice says sitting down next to me.

I look up and see Fred sitting next to me nervously.

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