The one before the third task

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The next few months went by really fast. I made up with Fred even though we both knew we'd be hurt when the time came to say goodbye, But we wanted to spend as much time as we could together. He forgave me pretty quickly and I felt happy again. The final task was tonight and I still needed to say my goodbyes.

"Hey Issy, you alright?" Fred asks sitting next to me on the couch

"Yeah, I was Just thinking about tonight" I say leaning in to him.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and we just sit in silence. I look up at him and see that he's staring at the fire.

"Freddie?" I ask

"Yes, Love?" He responds

I smile as he looks at me worried.

"Can you come with me down to Madam Pomfrey? I want her to try and fix my arm before the task" I ask

"Of course" He says helping me to my feet

We walk down the halls to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey points to a bed as she sees me standing with Fred. I see her come back with her wand and a cup of skele-gro.

"Episkey or Bracium Umendo?" She asks

"Um the first one, We all know what happened to harry" I answer

She points her wand at my arm and she casts the spell. I feel a warm sensation go through my arm and I wiggle my fingers to see if it worked. I let out a small laugh as a stretch my arm carefully.

"Its been a pleasure having you here at Hogwarts ms Potter" Madam Pomfrey says holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Thank you Poppy" I say smiling

Fred and I walk backout and head for the Gryffindor common room. I sit back down on the couch and wiggle my fingers again.

"So what do you want to do for the next four hours?" Fred asks

"Quidditch. Should we send for Wood?" I ask 

"Oliver Wood plays for Puddlemere United now. I highly doubt he'll come back to Hogwarts for a silly little game" Ginny says joining the conversation with Ron, Harry and George behind her

"Well It's worth a try isn't it?" I say Picking up a muggle pen and a piece of paper

"Go for it" Harry says

'Wood, A few of the Gryffindors and I are going to play a game of quidditch and we need a few more players, what do you say?- Lissabeth Potter' I write quickly and open the window.

I call for my owl, Moon and she flies up to the window and I tie the note to her foot and send her off. I walk back towards the couch and wait for a reply. Fred found a chess board so we started a game and I was a move away from winning when I hear a peck on the window. I get up and run to it to see Moon sitting there with a bright red envelope. I let her in and give her a treat before taking the envelope.

"Dear Lissabeth, I would love to join you for a game of quidditch. I was Invited by Dumbedore to come and watch you and Harry in the Final task this evening. I shall see you down on the quidditch pitch in ten minutes - Oliver Wood, seeker for Puddlemere united" I read out loud

"Let's go then" Ginny says excited

Ginny, Harry, Ron, Fred, George and I all head down to the quidditch pitch where Oliver Wood is standing with Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson. I see Wood and I jump into his arms Laughing.

"Well it's nice to see you too" Wood says

I look behind me and count out all of our players before turning to Oliver.

"Pick your team Wood" I tell him

"Katie, Angelina, George and Harry" He answers quickly

I look at him and smile before giving Ginny a double high five

"Your arm, I didn't even notice" She says realizing what just happened

I wrap my arm over her shoulder as Fred explains to Ron what he has to do. We give him a helmet and decide he's keeper, Fred's beater, Ginny's chaser and I will be seeker. We all get our brooms and I release the balls, I keep my eye on the snitch as I fly back up and help my team. I score on Wood who insisted on playing keeper for old times sake. I laugh as I see the Snitch flying around him I reach my out to grab it and I feel the cold metal in my finger tips. I hold it up to him and smile.

"Alright again, Harry you'll be keeper this time. It's time someone taught your sister how to be a seeker" Wood says playfully

"You do know that I won Slytherin the house cup, Right?" I ask

He nods and I wait for everyone to be ready before letting the snitch go. Wood and I sit and Watch for the snitch letting our teams do most of the work. George hits a bludger towards me and I yell at him as I watch for the snitch. I see it before Wood does and I go after it, But Wood gets in front of me and I risk it by jumping off my broom and grabbing it before him. I grab my broom and steady myself again as I hold the Snitch in my hand laughing.

"Yeah, Issy" Fred yells

We all play a few more games until Wood checks his fancy new watch and realises we're late for the family dinner.

"Harry, Lissabeth we need to head to the dinner party" Wood says as we all fly down and strap the balls in to the chest.

"Harry you go, I have something to do before the last task starts. The weasleys are here go enjoy dinner, Tell Molly I said thank you" I say before running back towards the castle and Looking for my Slytherin friends. I find Malfoy, Pansy, Blaise and Goyle at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. I run and slam my hands on the table.

"Your arm is better?" Pansy asks confused

"Yeah, I need to talk to you guys before it's too late" I say as they all finish the food on their plates.

They all get up and follow me into the hall. I look at them trying not to start crying.

"I don't have much time but I wanted to say thank you. You guys have been my best friends these last few months and I don't think I could ever ask for better friends. You all did a bunch of crazy and stupids things with me and I'm going to miss you guys" I say letting a few tears fall

"Slytherin for life" Pansy says lifting her sleeve to reveal the snake tattoos we all got in london together

"Slytherins for life" We all say showing our tattoos.

We all pull each other into a group hug and we all sob together for a few minutes.

"Listen, When I'm gone I want you guys to remember how much I loved you. And you can't cry anymore unless you really need it. Because if you keep crying right now I'm going to hate myself for going into the task. So please just keep it together for me" I say pulling out of the hug and looking at them

"We'll try" Draco says 

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