The one with the truth

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"Cedric Diggory brought it over" I answer opening the lid to see cookies

"I didn't know the Diggory's could bake" She says looking over my shoulder

"Neither did I. What can I do to help with dinner?" I ask

"Could you take the biscuits out of the oven and tell everyone to come eat?" She asks turning the burners off

I do as she told and take the biscuits out of the oven and set them on the table. I then go into the living room and see everyone smiling and laughing. It makes me realise that I could never work for Voldemort, pretend or not. I don't want to risk putting anyone in danger

"Dinners ready" I say

Everyone gets up and goes to the table to eat. I guess I'm still in my head because Fred has to shake me to get my attention.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened there" I say

"Are you alright Dear?" Arthur asks

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired" I say taking a bite of food

We all eat in silence and Harry cleans up the kitchen with Ron and Hermione, while I lay on freds chest on the couch by the fire.

"Are you feeling okay?" Fred asks

"Honestly, No. I'm far from okay" I answer

Fred sits up and drags me up to his room. I sit down on the bed and play with my necklace he gave me

"What's wrong?" He asks worried

"It's eating at my soul. Having to pretend to hate Harry and Help Voldemort, when he killed Harry's parents" I say trying not to cry.

Fred holds my hand and I just sit there.

"Did you know that Lily was Waiting till Christmas to tell James she was Pregnant again, Harry could've had a brother. And I'm supposed to help the person who took that all away from him?" I ask

"I know it's hard but it's what has to be done. Do it for James and Lily, Do it for Harry, do it for me" Fred says placing his hand on my cheek.

I lean into his touch and smile.

"I still have to tell Ginny. I don't want to but I think it's time" I say quietly.

We get up and go back downstairs and see everyone playing wizards chess. Fred and I sit down and watch when Ginny beats Harry I look at Fred.

"Hey Gin, let's go for a walk" I say

She looks at me and goes to the door, putting on her coat and boots.

"We'll be back in a little while" I say putting my coat on

I walk with Ginny around the Burrow.

"Ginny, I wanted to talk to you about something really important" I start

She looks at me nervously

"A few months ago Dumbledore and I decided that I would change houses and I would pretend to work with Voldemort to figure out what he plans to do to get to Harry. I spent those few days with the Malfoys to earn my way in and I just found out that Voldemort is going to try to kill me too. I wanted to tell you because one day you're going to wake up and I won't be here. And I wanted to thank you before it was to late" I say as we walk

 "Why do you need to thank me? I should be thanking you. You're the one who's always been there to listen to everyone, you helped Harry and Ron figure out where to go when I almost died my first year. And someone has to thank you for handling Fred" She says smiling

"Ginny, I'm serious. I'm going to die" I say seriously looking at her

She stops and looks at me sadly. I look at her and she pulls me into a hug

"How long do you have?" she asks

"Until the final task in the triwizard tournament next year" I say rubbing her back

She starts crying and I let her cry into my shoulder. After a while we go back inside and sit with the others. Fred looks at Ginny and then at me. I shake my head to tell him it didn't go well, he nods and goes back to the chess game. 

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