The one with the heartache

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"Do you think she has an old dress I could snatch?" I ask

"Bellatrix? Yeah she has an entire closet full of dresses. I can apparate home and get you one" Draco says

"Please that would be amazing" I say

"Sure, I Have to get one of dad's man brooches anyways" he says.

He apparates away and we all just sit there waiting patiently.

"This is going to be awesome" I say breaking the awkward silence

Pansy and Blaise agree with me while Goyle seems a little distracted. I look at him and he looks like he's having a conversation with himself.

"Um Goyle, you keep doing that and we'll have to bring you to st. mungo's" I tell him jokingly

He goes pale and looks down at his hands nervously. Draco appears and tosses me the dress and sits down. I smile and run downstairs to the girls dorm, putting on the dress and boots quickly. I run back up to the common room and and ask them what to fix.

"Hair, obviously" Pansy says

I concentrate really hard on the hair and it turns black and I mess it up quickly.

"Her nose is rounder and her lips are smaller" Goyle says back to his normal self.

I fix my lips and wait for something else

"Your eyes, you have her eyes" Draco says scared.

I look at Blaise and wait for him to say something.

"No I think you look good. She's kind of a good look for you" He says.

"I know right" I say swaying my hips watching the dress move.

I hear gasps and murmurs as the door opens and someone clears their throat. I turn around and see Snape and Lupin holding their wands up, pointing them straight at me. I quickly change back to my normal self. I see lupins heart break when he sees me. I look at Snape, expecting him to say something.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Lupin asks

"Why are you in the Slytherin dorms?" I respond avoiding the question

Lupin looks at me seriously.

"Your uncle decided to call a meeting of the order and you legally can't apparate on you own" He answers

"I'm not a member" I say

"You are now" he tells me, holding out his hand

I walk towards him and he leads me out to the hall where Tonks is waiting. I can feel her staring me down and I flinch when she shouts at lupin and Snape. They all put their hands in the middle and I'm hesitant to do the same

"Just do it" Tonks shouts furious, clearly at me.

I start crying and put my hand in the middle, and we apparate to number twelve grimmauld place. I'm still crying when we go inside. I walk down the hall into the dining room where everyone else is waiting, I see Sirius standing and talking to a tall Bald man with shiny dark skin and a single dangle earring. The two older men turn to look at me, Sirius looks a little uncomfortable.

"You told me she was the daughter of Lestrange but I never thought she'd look just like her" Kingsley says playfully.

I shake his hand before turning to Sirius with tears still streaming down my face. He looks at me and then at Tonks and Lupin.

"Which one of you yelled at her?" Sirius asks

Tonks' hair turns bright red.

"There is no reason she should be dressed like that" She says raising her voice.

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