CHAPTER 20 The 4th Remastered

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After the barricade was nearly broken the 6 members appeared back in the the hospital room but this time Minato and Kushina were at their peak.

"I will go back there I want to meet them"(Tsunade looking at every one)

"Sure"(Sarutobi hoping that she would come out of her depression at least this time)

Tsunade made eye contact with Sarutobi nodded and disappeared

Naruto was looking confused and conflicted.

"Whats wrong Naru?"(Menma)

"I..Nothing"(Naruto shaking his head)

"I will drop you in the office Hiruzen-sama and you two home and stay there okay?"(Minato looking at the third and his kids)

The twins nodded and Minato turned to Kushina who just punched the door sending it flying and then Minato teleported every one to their destinations and Kushina in a training ground that was rather wide where she set up a barrier she got worried for her children despite knowing they can help themselves she made a shadow clone which teleported home and Minato probably had the same Idea so he did the same and in a few minutes root agents started appearing inside the barrier. 

and after 16 minutes all Root agents including Danzo were inside the barrier and Kushina and Minato outside.

"So you were alive"(Danzo looking at Minato)

"No I was not"(Minato shaking his head)

"We got revived"(Kushina)

"That's impossible"(Danzo)

Minato then said something that shut danzo up and left him shocked because that was a secret only known to 3 people including him and Sarutobi.

"You are real and you say you got revived? Who revived you and why? the only way to revive people is through the Edo tensei or the Rinnegan and why would he revive you or Kushina? that dosen't make sense"(Danzo becoming franctical)

"The one who revived us was not a rennegan user he was a incomplete edo tensei  and you don't need to know any more tell me why did you try and kill me?"(Minato)

"For Ko.."(Danzo trying to come up with some excuse)

"Don't give me that bull shit both of us know that's not true and if you think the Third would save you if you stall for enough time you are so wrong"(Minato)

"What do you want?"(Danzo)

"No the question is what do you want. You say your actions are for the benefit of Konoha but about 90% of your actions have either weakened or undermined the Integrity and strength of Konoha or have caused pointless loss of life and at one time a war so what is it that you truly want Danzo?"(Minato)

Danzo then went on a Rant as to how Konoha was supposed to be his, how he was supposed to be the Third Hokage and how glorious Konoha would be if he was incharge and was nearly on a roll.

while that was going on Kushina isolated everyone from Danzo and a two anbu appeared next to Minato one wearing a crow mask and the other weasel.

"So the whole reason you were doing this was because of petty jealousy and greed? as well as you inferiority complex and the self-blame of not being able speak up when it counted?"(Minato angrily)

"You don't unde..."(Danzo)

"NO I understand and if it was me before I died I probably would have found a peaceful solution. Hell If you hadn't threatened to kill my family I would have found a peaceful solution but you threatened to kill my family...Yiu said that the third was too soft right then let me show you here and now just how ruthless I can be"(Minato flaring his chakra)

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