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Menma looked around even tho he was in the same class room the people there were different there was Miho , A kid who looked like he was a Noble , someone who looked native to Kumo, a girl who looked like she was from Suna, Hideko, and a dude who was confused as heck and looked like he was from Iwa.

Menma then walked to the podium which caused everyone to turn to him.

"Hello, I am Uzumaki Menma from konoha nice to meet you"(Menma)

Menma then sat on one of the seats in the front.

Miho then followed his example.

"Hi, I am Namikaze Miho from Konoha I will be in your care"(Miho sat next to menma)

Her announcement immediately drew sharp breaths from everyone else except Hideko who came up next.

"Hello I am Hyuga Hideko from konoha It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance"(Hideko)

Hideko took a seat next in the front row.

The one dressed in Kumo grab came forward.

"Hi, I am Inazuma Dai from Kumo I hope to get along with you"(Dai)

Dai then took a seat in the second row right behind Miho.

"I am Sakaguchi Atsuko from Suna Lets work together"(Atsuko) 

Atsuko sat next to Hideko.

then the noble came up.

"I am Sakata Masa from the fire capital I hope we can get along"(Masa)

Masa then sat behind Menma next to Dai.

Then the Iwa guy came to the podium.

"You losers can look at me as I conquer the world and have all the beautes to myself for I am the great Haga Iwao"(Iwao making a weird pose)  

everyone just stared at him and crickets started to sing.

"HA so you were so amazed by my awesomeness that no words are completely stunned huh"(Iwao feeling completely full of himself)

The singing continued.

"That...killed the mood completely"(Masa)

"But it also got rid of all the tension in the room thanks Iwa guy"(Dai giving him a thumbs up)

"I guess my job here is done"(Iwao disappearing in a puff of smoke while grinning)

"What the..!"(Dai)

Menma started laughing.

"Why are you laughing nii-chan?"(Hideko)

"Nothing 'he' pulled this trick once before so I am actually surprised that this happened.."(Menma)

"Wait so you know the author?"(Atsuko asking the question on everyone's mind)

"Was it not the same for everyone?"(Menma confused)

"No, it was not"(Everyone except Miho)

"Well I guess it's time for introductions again.Nice to meet you I am X4-Alpha or Shadow of the  UN anti-crisis unit from a planet called Earth but from what I have been told there are multiple Earths so please don't be worried if such an organisation does not exist in your Earth.Ah you can also call me Rex."(Menma standing on the podium)

"I am Elia Maravilla a civilian and his wife from the same planet"(Miho hooking her arms with Menma)

"I am Eardwulf Woods a noble from the world called Alsthashia again I hope we get along"(Masa)

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